Lorenzo di Bonaventura Developing Nicholas Flamel

For every Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, we’re subjected to a handful of Eragons and Golden Compasses. As much as studios and producers try, it’s near impossible to replicate the success of the former. They’re lucky if their property makes a third of your average Potter installment no less gets a sequel produced. But that will never stop them from trying again and again. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another attempt.
Variety reports that big-wig producer (and former Warner Brothers big-cheese) Lorenzo di Boneventura has purchased the film rights to The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. I’ve never heard of it either. Then again, I remember during my Screen-Rant days Kofi Outlaw was talking about how Twilight (or as I referred to it “some emo-teenage vampire thing”) was going to kick ass at the box-office. I thought he was nuts. Me = fail.
It’s apparently a six-book series about teenage twins who roam the world going on adventures with the title-character. They save the world a couple of times, I’m sure. Not trying to take a dump on the Flamel books (or Twilight for that matter), but it’s all Greek to me. It’s not my cup of coffee to begin with. So there’s no need of me “hating” it despite never reading a single word of either book series. Meh.
DiBoneventura himself has had great success with the Transformers films and G.I. Joe as of late. He also helped secure the rights to the Harry Potter series at the end of the 90s during his tenure at Warner Brothers. So the hope is he can sprinkle the same kind of magic for another fantasy book series at another studio. Good luck to them. But lightening rarely strikes twice, folks.
Reader Comments (1)
I liked both Eragon and The Golden Compass. Neither film was spectacular, but I put both above Lord of the Rings, and the Harry Potter films are tripe for the sub-100 IQ set.