Rachel McAdams Denies Spider-Man 4 Rumors

If there’s any truth to those Rachel McAdams for Spider-Man 4 rumors from last week, don’t expect her to spill the beans. Entertainment Weekly caught up with the Sherlock Holmes actress (presumably beginning her press rounds for the Christmas tentpole) who categorically denied the story:
“I was hanging out in Toronto the other day and someone came up to me and said, ‘I just heard you’re doing Spider-Man 4.’ And I said, ‘Really? No one told me!’ It’s not true. It’s an Internet rumor, as so many things are these days.”
Fair enough. She could be telling the truth. So I’ll just nod and give her the benefit of the doubt.
However I would direct the jury to what happened to Bradley Cooper. IESB leaked details that he would appear as Face in The A-Team months before it was officially announced. What happened when he was asked by the site point-blank? He initially confirmed it only to quickly deny the Hell out of it to CHUD.
There’s also the chance that an actress could come out of nowhere to get the role (assuming the Black Cat does in fact appear in Spider-Man 4).
Remember how many actors were leaked by movie-news sites to be meeting with Warner Brothers for Green Lantern? A LOT. And none of them were Ryan Reynolds.
Just saying, folks…
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