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Sam Raimi Wants A Basic "Spider-Man"

Coming Soon via The Geek Files at the Coventry Telegraph has produced and interview with Sam Raimi ifound in the latest print edition of "Dvd & Blu-Ray Review":

"I think I've learned about the importance of getting to the point and the importance of having limitations, and I'm hoping to take that into a production where I'm actually allowed to explore with more of the tools to pull it off with a little more splendour. I hope I don't lose that edge that I've just found. That would be my approach to Spider-Man 4: to get back to the basics."

Sam Raimi is saying all the right things. I wonder if the light bulb just went off or did he realize during pre-production of "Spider Man 4" that bringing Eric Forman to the future from the 70's to play the iconic Venom wasn't a good idea. When the light dawned on Raimi that it was mistake doesn't matter at this point, what matters is that he actually puts the studio's money where his mouth is and delivers.  It's been discussed and debated as to whom the culprit was behind the villain traffic jam  that was "Spider-Man 3" but this follow up is going to be all on Raimi's shoulders.

While most of the fans are just hoping for another "Spider-Man" film, with all due respect to them, they really don't matter. The general public is where the key to success lies and this next installment is going to be aimed straight at them. A tighter film with less crying and dancing, along with some dramatic action and new fresh villains should and will be part of the menu. This will be Raimi's last stand with with your favorite neighborhood webslinger and I'm sure he'll be pulling out all the stops.

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