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« Movie Moan 2015: Episode 2 - For Shame Oscars, For Shame! | Main | Movie Moan - The Plagues Were Good »

Movie Moan 2015: Episode 1 - Once Upon A Beginning


We would like to extend a huge and warm hug of a welcome to the brand new, rebooted, Movie Moan podcast, available to you as a full two hour high definition show on Youtube, as an MP3 on Soundcloud, and as separate videos on our Youtube channel for the separate segments. Watch or listen to it any way you like.

Movie Moan 2015 is broken down into three individual sections. On our first episode:

Classic Movie Moan
Join Phil Gee, Jamie Williams, and Matt Thompson as we review 'American Sniper' (11:42) & 'The Theory Of Everything' (17:27). We debate why Phil and Jamie are afraid that the next James Bond film 'Spectre' is going to blow, and Matt (having read the latest script) tries to convince us it won't (26:42 - light spoilers). But Matt certainly won't try to convince you that 'The Fantastic Four' is going to be any good and tells you what The Thing is really going to look like (9:25).

Marveling At The Future
Join Spencer Perry and Phil Gee for our regular section devoted to the world of comic book adaptation media as we review the first two episodes of 'Agent Carter' (63:30, bemoan the trailer for 'Ant-Man' while still believing in its potential (88:48), and tell you of our hopes and dreams for the Netflix 'Daredevil' show (80:55).

Cinematic Comfort Food
Matt Thompson once again joins Phil to discuss why the film that made him want to make movies, that opened up the joy of cinema to him, the film that he always grabs off the shelf when he needs cheering John Carpenter's 'Halloween' (1978) (103:33).

Don't just watch the video version above.  Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here: 

Reader Comments (10)

Awesome first 2015 podcast guys! :) Will there be a second podcast for this month? Or are you guys starting the two podcasts per month starting in next month in February?

01-14-2015 | Unregistered CommenterRobb

Unless illness strikes me down, Episode 2 should be up in exactly two weeks - January 28th.

01-15-2015 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

Great to have you guys back.

And love that the show ends with the CCF segment!

Very excited for the Daredevil series too. Next to Spidey, my fav Marvel character.

Halloween is an interesting choice. It's a great movie to be sure. The Thing is my favorite Carpenter movie.

Finally, I hope Spectre turns out to be a pleasant surprise.

Everything else about the podcast is brilliant! Best wishes going forward.

01-15-2015 | Unregistered CommenterLou Sytsma

Hey, could we have a RSS for the podcast? One I could subscribe to in podcast aggregators?

01-15-2015 | Unregistered CommenterMichel

Great show, guys. Phil, Phil, Phil, with this team, how can you be so skeptical on spectre? Was Skyfall perfect? No, but these guys have earned my trust and excitement. I'm wondering how long they're going to take the "personal" approach to Bond. What I mean is Skyfall isn't something they can do again any time soon. Tearing Bond down and building him back up again. Casino Royale was making him into who he is, Vesper, etc. QoS (which I loved) felt the most like a one off adventure in the usual tradition to me even though it was a direct sequel. I do think doing stand alone stories that don't radically shake things up is going to be the real test for the post CR Bond. This is a bit of a golden era for Bond films. I'm old enough to have seen both Dalton films in theaters then lived through the long gap and heartbreaking (for me) replacement of Dalton with Brosnan after only two films. Craig is back, Mendes is back, Waltz, Belluci, spectre, Blofeld- I'm all set.

Also, while listening to this podcast, I pulled over and bought Daredevil End Of Days. Great read! I'd missed this one somehow! Thanks!

01-15-2015 | Unregistered CommenterCollin

Love the new format! Lots of variety, and each segment was a ton of fun. Since you asked for feedback, I listened to the whole thing in two sittings over the course of an afternoon, and think it’s paced well, and a two-hour running time is pretty much the sweet spot. The “Comfort Food” segment is a particularly great way to wrap each show up in a little bow of positivity and warmth.

Regarding SPECTRE, I’m not thrilled that it sounds like they’re really connecting the film in a major way to the previous Craig movies (to the extent that it sounds like it could be considered a full-on sequel), but I have faith that - at the very least - the movie’s going to be interesting.

Also, I got a real kick out of your use of the ultra-cheesy (but fun!) LADYHAWKE score for "Marveling at the Future," segment, as well as that wistful final cue from DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 for "Comfort Food."

01-15-2015 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

Thanks for all the comments folks. Really appreciated.


I'm sure people had the exact same reaction before 'Moonraker' came out that the exact same team from 'The Spy Who Loved Me' were coming back. But even if you removed the camp, what would always have hurt that film was its insistence on recapturing the same lightning in a bottle as its predecessor. That's my main worry. From what Matt has said, I feel completely justified in my worries. It seems to be like Mendes had one James Bond film in him and, unfortunately, he's making it twice.

May my podcasting credentials be ripped from my chest if I'm wrong.

01-17-2015 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee


You have to make a special application to SoundCloud to do that, but I just have. If it's what you want, I'll try and make it happen.

01-17-2015 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

I'm really enjoying Agent Carter but the ratings apparently aren't that good so it may not get more episodes. :(

And I hope this isn't a daft question (I'm not a fan of the Antman comics) but how is turning into the size of an ant a superpower exactly? Would it just make it easier for bigger things and people to squash you flat? I don't get it. I agree this wasn't a very good trailer.

01-22-2015 | Unregistered Commentershelly

Glad you are back! The new opening credits and music just made me all happy inside.

01-29-2015 | Unregistered CommenterBill M

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