Out promoting his latest film with Denzel Washington, 2 GUNS, in theaters this Friday, Mark Wahlberg got asked by some nerd MTV guy if he was aware of "Dinobots", and besides Mark about slap him in the mouth, he deflected the "rumors" by asking if MTV guy wanted him to be replaced midway through production for revealing secrets.
When MTV News' Josh Horowitz sat down with Wahlberg and Denzel Washington to talk about their new movie "2 Guns," the topic of Dinobots came up, and things got heated pretty quickly. "None of your business," Wahlberg said, responding to a question of whether he has encountered any Dinobots. "You don't want me to get replaced halfway through production for divulging secrets."
Spoilers: Shit probably gets blown up and Marky Mark learns a valuable lesson about "being a single father". Now you call can stay home and not complain loudly on the internet because they RUINED MUH CARTOON LORE.
Moving onto non-Dinobot related "Transformers" talk, Wahlberg confirmed that the new installment feels unlike anything that has come before it, thanks in part to the character he has taken on. "It feels like a completely different movie, very fresh," he said. "Obviously, it's a really interesting dynamic, being a young, single dad having a teenage daughter, trying to succeed as an inventor, having very little means and also trying to provide for my family. Then all hell breaks loose."
Well, Dinobots would be cool right? They wouldn't be practical at all; but who seriously cares? The movie will deliver big explosions, action, and nice cars. That's why we drop $15 for an IMAX ticket opening night then take to Twitter to bitch about it for the rest of the week, right fellow movie lovers?