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    "The Hangover Part III" TV Spot - Fall In Love All Over Again

    From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes "The Hangover Part III," the third and final film in director Todd Phillips' record-shattering comedy franchise. This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off.



    5 Questions with Family Tree Co-Creator Jim Piddock

    TMT had the opportunity to chat with Jim Piddock, the co-creator, writer and co-star of HBO's Family Tree.

    1. What kind of torture did you put yourself through to transform into Mr Pfister?

    Ha. There wasn't any torture for me. But I thought it might be torture for people to listen to a character in a TV comedy, who has a South African accent. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be.

    2. Why do you think Christopher Guest trusted you enough to co-create his first ever TV series?

    Either because he's a genius or because no-one else was available.

    3. What are fans of Guest's movies going to think of the show, you think? Is it of a similar ilk to what they're use to from Guest? Did it have to fit a certain mould fans might expect from his work?

    I think it should make fans of the movies happy and also reach a wider audience too. The show has the same style and tone of the films and the subject matter and characters are very accessible.

    4. Are you going to be pickier now about the sorts of parts etc you do because of the impending success of Family Tree and your profile in general? Maybe shooting for The Jim Piddock Show next?

    I honestly don't project that far into the future, but if I was to do a show with myself as the central character, it would be called The Mindy Project. Oh, wait a minute...

    5. I see you met one of the stars of Downton Abbey while shooting in the UK. Did you visit the actual place? How was it? Snare yourself a background role?

    Yes, Chris Guest and I did visit the set, which was fun. Especially seeing the cast members from upstairs and downstairs all eating lunch together very cozily in a converted bus during a break in filming. Hugh Bonneville is also an old pal, so I was looking forward to seeing him that day and catching up, but he'd wrapped and gone home about half an hour before we arrived. Maybe he heard I was coming.

    Family Tree airs Sundays at 10:30 PM on HBO.


    "Pacific Rim" TV Spot 1

    When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.



    Superman and Zod Character Posters For Man Of Steel

    While I was busy watching muscular men battle each other in teeny tiny underwear on WWE Raw, Superherohype forum member Kal-El.9859 diverted my attention to two more new character posters for Man of Steel. Big daddy El received his very own poster earlier today sporting a blaster rifle and now we see Superman with a determined stance while Zod is handcuffed and angry.

    These are a slight improvement over some of the recent ones marketing has been throwing out, but I don't understand why they look so blurry and have big bursts of light in the background to hurt my eyes when looking at them. Man of Steel has been advertised everywhere lately as I even saw two TV spots during tonight's episode of Raw and heard spots aired during Dancing With The Stars as well. No matter how the posters are perceived by different groups I think all the trailers, TV spots, and featurette's released have given quite a positive vibe to this movie.


    Exclusive Interview With Donovan's Echo Director Jim Cliffe

    TMT had the opportunity to chat with filmmaker Jim Cliffe on Donovan's Echo, his evolution from short films to his feature-length directorial debut, the origins of the project, shooting in Canada and working with stars Danny Glover and Bruce Greenwood.

    1. How much did the success of your short Tomorrow's Memoir help get Donovan's Echo up? 

    Tomorrow’s Memoir helped in the sense that it demonstrated that I had an ability to direct. It won at the San Diego Comic-Con and caught a bit of attention online, but ultimately, it's still a short film, and there's a big difference between that and a financed feature. My goal was to try and make the leap from a short to a feature, so I knew I had to write something worthy enough for people willing to get behind it, and using the short as means of attaching myself as a director. Donovan's Echo was my first attempt at writing a feature (co-written with wife Melodie Krieger), and it became an award-winning screenplay, which was a nice boon. I thought I might be doing something right.

    Because of those screenwriting competitions, we were hearing from producers and companies in LA, but no one wanted to take that chance on me directing. As one director of development told me, "You could have fifty award-winning shorts, but financiers only see first-time feature filmmaker."  So we still had an uphill battle.

    In the end, I brought it to a producer in Vancouver that I'd known for a few years, Trent Carlson (Fido, The Thaw). I'd worked with Trent before as an artist. I knew he and his partners were developing their own projects and probably wouldn’t be interested in producing for someone else. If anything, I thought he might be able to steer me in the right direction. But he liked it, and believed in my abilities.

    2. Did you consider making a feature-length version of Tomorrow's Memoir your first film? If so, why did you decide to nix that in favour of something else...

    Not really. I think the premise would be pretty tough to stretch out over a couple of hours. I was drawing inspiration from things like The Dark Knight Returns – a retired superhero returning one last time. But the approach was to disguise that fact and make the audience wonder who this man is and why he's being pursued. I think you’d have to reveal the truth much earlier in a feature than I did in the short.

    3. Where did the idea for Donovan's Echo come from?

    The idea was sparked by a moment of déjà vu, which I’ve experienced many times. I started thinking this could be something to explore, and discussed it with Melodie (my wife and co-writer), who was an aspiring writer, and asked if she wanted to get involved. From there, we started breaking down ideas, characters, etc. One of the things we came to early on was that our protagonist should be older with a certain amount of life experience and regret.

    4. Was it hard to entice Danny Glover and Bruce Greenwood to do the film?

    Somehow it was easier than I would have ever expected. We're a smaller film (just under $3M), so I didn't have big expectations as far as casting choices. But we had a casting agent in LA and she put some names together for Donovan. We saw Danny's name in there, and something just sparked. He seemed like a very ideal and interesting choice. We put it out to him, and I think he got back in just a couple of weeks and said he wanted to do it. I was stunned. The movie just took a giant leap upwards. Apparently, he connected with the character and equated a few things to his own life, like his background in mathematics and dyslexia.

    From there, we started talking about Finnley, and Bruce came up. Again, he seemed like a fantastic choice. We put it out to him, and he also responded relatively quickly. He liked the script, and was keen to work with Danny. He also has a home in Vancouver, where we’d be shooting.

    For a first-time filmmaker, to get guys like that, it just never really happens. I was very thrilled they responded to the material and were willing to take a chance on me. It’s a fun movie with twists and turns, some humor and heart.

    5. Were you a Lethal Weapon fan? Did Glover share any stories about it or any of his other past hits with you on set?

    I was a huge Lethal Weapon fan, which is mostly where I knew Danny from, even though I've seen many of his other films and knew that he was someone with a lot of talent and range, like his performances in Witness and The Colour Purple. We didn't really get into the LW series much, although we did talk about Wes Anderson and The Royal Tenenbaums. He enjoyed that experience and mentioned that he had just seen Wes the other day. I'm a big fan of Anderson’s films too.

    6. Where did you shoot, and what were the positives/negatives of the locale?

    We shot just outside of Vancouver in a couple of smaller communities, Fort Langley and Maple Ridge. The bridge was even further away. About a two hour drive from where our main production was. All the locations were very ideal, cinematically-speaking. The biggest challenge was that we just had so many – Donovan's house, the hospital, the Manhattan Project, the grocery store, Kit's garage, etc. We had a 20 day shooting schedule which was very tough to fit everything in. You can only do so many setups a day. Most films of our size try to condense and keep it to a handful of locations – I believe we had over 40. We were pretty ambitious, but I think we succeeded in the sense that people seem to assume that it's a bigger film than it is. A lot of that is due to Danny Glover and Bruce Greenwood being attached, but it's also a good looking film. I give a lot of credit to our fantastic production designer, Grant Pearse, and cinematographer, Bob Aschmann, who really raised the bar.

    7. What are the release plans for the film?

    We did a film festival run in the fall of 2011, and had a theatrical release across Canada last February. But, it's just coming to the States now on May 21, which I'm excited about. It'll be available on demand, digital download, Amazon, Redbox, Walmart, and such. We're just trying to get the word out and hope people discover it.

    Donovan's Echo will be available on DVD, Blu Ray and Video On Demand in the U.S. on May 21. Check out their official site for further details.


    More Set Pics and Official Title Design for TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES

    Russian Megan Fox fansite, MeganFoxWorld, has gotten a peaks at the "title design" of the upcoming Michael Bay reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that you're going to go watch regardless of how angry your smelly neckbeard might seem.

    We also see, courtesy of Splash News, April O'Niel and Raphael in a few pictures, guest-starring Dora The Explorer.



    McG to Direct 'Hunter Killer'

    It's funny how people think McG is a bad director.

    Yeah, the dude's first two films were those awful Charlie's Angels flicks, but when you're young and hungry in Hollywood, you take whatever opportunity you can get to make your big break.  I mean hey, James Cameron did Piranha II: The Spawning, right?

    And yes, was Terminator Salvation a dissapointment?  Absolutely.  But I don't think it had anything to do with McG's lack of effort.  I genuinely think he tried to make the film work but when you have a bad script, there's only so much you can do.

    Which leads to today's news that the filmmaker is set to helm Hunter Killer, Relativity's long in-development action thriller that up until recently, had Antoine Fuqua attached with Gerard Butler set to star (this duo obviously went on to make Olympus Has Fallen instead).

    McG is currently working on Relativity's 3 Days to Kill starring Kevin Costner and the studio felt he was a good fit make this his next project.

    Hunter Killer is based on the novel Firing Point by Don Keith and George Wallace and tells the story of an untested submarine captain who must work with a Navy SEAL team to rescue Russia’s president, taken prisoner during a military coup. The two sides team to stop a rogue Russian general from igniting World War III.

    I think a film like this can really go a long in way in helping McG's reputation as a solid filmmaker IF he can deliver a good film (and from early word, he's done a bang up job on 3 Days to Kill).

    We shall see.

    Source: Variety


    "Man Of Steel" Character Poster - Russell Crowe As Jor-El

    A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.


    First Look at Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 

    Bryan Singer, ever teasing the army of fanboys and fangirls that follow him eager for new X-Men: Days of Future Past, has tweeted the first look at Hunger Games and Silver Lining's Playbook star Jennifer Lawrence as the tormented Raven Darkholme, aka, Mystique.

    Hubba hubba.

    X-Men: Days of Future Past comes out July 18, 2014 and stars Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Peter Dinklage, Omar Sy, Halle Berry, Daniel Cudmore, Fan Bingbing and Boo Boo Stewart

    Based on the comic book storyline "Days of Future Past," which ran in Uncanny X-Men #141 and 142 back in 1981 during Chris Claremont and John Byrne's run and introduced the idea of an alternate future for Marvel's mutants that grew out of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants killing an important senator, leading to a future where all mutants are hunted by Sentinels.


    Jonathan Rhys Meyers Headed to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Much as they're the selling point, Star Wars: Episode VII won't all be on Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford's sagging boobs. Fresh blood is needed to carry on the Skywalker story. And if there's anything J.J. Abrams has a knack for, it's casting (See the Star Trek and Super 8 casts).

    Latino Review reports the first new addition is looking to be Jonathan Rhys Meyers, alum of the Mystery Boxed One appearing in Mission: Impossible III.

    Too early to tell who the Irish thesp would play. He could be the trilogy's new protagonist or a baddie. Who knows? He was excellent headlining The Tudors, Woody Allen's Match Point and soon to be seen on NBC's Dracula. Hey he even played Elvis!