If you're a fan of video-games, chances are you've probably hated the films that come from them. Luckily for me, none of my favorite video-games have ever been adapted, and the only one that currently is, "Shadow of the Colossus" will A. Probably never happen and B. Has a pretty impressive pedigree behind it's adaption.
Off of that though, co-writer of 20th Century Fox's The Wolverine, the emotional and visceral character piece of Marvel's clawed alcoholic loverboy, Scott Frank, spoke to Creative Screenwriting about the film, and then revealed he was revising the script for the Michael Fassbbender vehicle, Assassin's Creed, due out June 19. 2015.
“I’m rewriting Assassin’s Creed right now, and what I love about it is that I’ve never adapted a video game before and it has its own set of challenges. Especially in the world of rewrites, I love trying to do something completely different if I can.”
Assassin's Creed is being written by Michael Lesslie, who hasn't really done much by way of big Hollywood films; but Frank has had a role in adapting Minority Report, Marley & Me, The Wolverine, The Lookout, and Flight of the Phoenix.
Those might not all be winners to you; but I think Frank has proved he can do films with a real human element and pull some heart-strings, something that Fassbender should convey lovely, and will add a much needed emotional core so many films lack that The Wolverine really succeeded on.
Assassin's Creed is not expected to based on any of the franchises' games from Ubisoft; but rather an original story, which is nice because then you can't hear THATS NOT MUH _____ (Silent Hill, Resident Evil)