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    WB to Legendary - "Take Your Seventh Son and SHOVE IT!"

    The split may be final. But news is still filtering out regarding the Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures divorce. Just the other day came word the two agreed to part ways on When Clark Met Bruce... (AKA: Batman Versus Superman) in favor of a share in Interstellar. That was a surprising development, yes but a formality. Something both parties agreed to awhile back.

    That doesn't appear to be the case here. Just two ex-lovers squabbling over who gets to keep the yacht and fur-coat collection. The Brothers Warner have washed their hands of bomb-in-the-making Seventh Son, taking it off their schedule (It was slotted for January 17, 2014). Universal, now in the Legendary business, will take on distribution though they have yet to pick a replacement slot. Knowing the bad buzz, how about September '14?

    Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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