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    « New The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Images to Shrug Over | Main | Joseph Kosinski Directing The Twilight Zone »

    New X-Men: Days of Future Past Image Shows Familiar Faces in a Familiar Setting

    Production wrapped on X-Men: Days of Future Past this weekend and between now and the release of the first trailer (Probably around Christmas), not much will be seen or heard from Bryan Singer outside of his Twitter feed. I can already imagine a picture taken from the edit bay and there is Peter Dinklage's thick 'stache on the monitor.

    Yeah, there is that leaked Comic-Con footage. I can't blame fans for watching it. We're curious and not everyone got to go to San Diego. No shame in confessing I too watched it, more times than I should admit (The Inception score set the tone well). Until said trailer drops online, this will have to do. A new production still, arguably the first that isn't behind-the-scenes or related to the clever Trask Industries viral, is here courtesy of Tumblr:

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