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    JURASSIC WORLD Director Confirms Film Will Be "Sci-Terror" Sequel; Not Reboot


    Things are gearing up for the sequel to one of the most endearing film franchises of all time. On Twitter earlier today, director Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed) addressed rumors that the forthcoming film will be a reboot, and also gave a hint as to the film's tone.

    Reboot is a strong word. This is a new sci-fi terror adventure set 22 years after the horrific events of Jurassic Park.

    Interesting the way he describes the events at Isla Nublar in the 90s as "horrific", which I feel will definitely come into play on the corporate-politics side of things with inGEN in the upcoming movie, something Michael Crichton wrote heavily about in his novels that was only briefly touched upon in the films.

    Trevorrow was also asked as to what Jurassic World will need to have above all else in order to be great, to which he responded:


    Lastly, Trevorrow was asked about the pre-production of the film, which he said:

    Working hard to cast a Murderers' Row of actors. Without great characters, we fail before we begin.

    Jurassic World, directed by Colin Trevorrow, opens June 21, 2015 and stars Ty Simpkins (Iron Man 3), Nick Robinson (The Kings of Summer), and on the rumor-mill are the heavily speculated Bryce Dallas Howard (Lady in the Water), Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy), Irrfan Kahn (The Amazing Spider-Man), David Oyelowo (Jack Reacher), and Jake Johnson (Safety Not Guaranteed) off of a script by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes).


    Bryan Singer Going Full-On Oliver Stone in Latest X-Men: Days of Future Past Viral

    Last Friday was the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. That was all the focus on the 24/7 news networks. Besides those reflecting including some old enough who were alive in 1963, the loonies came out of the woodwork too. It can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt Oswald acted alone. And it wouldn't be enough for them anyway.

    So given the timing, it will be viewed as inappropriate by some. But for the rest of us, it's a clever piece of viral marketing for X-Men: Days of Future Past. According to The Bent Bullet, Magneto was secretly tried and convicted of the president's murder.

    If it sounds familiar, Matthew Vaughn said he was floating the idea around for his First Class sequel before Fox went to Bryan Singer instead. That might explain why he and Jane Goldman have "Story by" credits since Days of Future Past is all Singer.


    Nicholas Stoller to Rewrite 'Uptown Saturday Night' Remake Starring Will Smith and Denzel Washington

    Nicholas Stoller - director/writer of both Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek - has been brought in by Warner Bros. to rewrite their remake of the 1970s Bill Cosby/Richard Pryor comedy, Uptown Saturday Night.

    Both Will Smith and Denzel Washington are attached to star as two friends who sneak out to visit a high-class but illegal club in which trouble ensues.  I assume this all happens on a Saturday night sans the title of the movie.

    Not only that though, Adam McKay (Anchorman films, The Other Guys, Step Brothers) is set to direct and wants this to be his next film.  The script needs the approval of both Smith and Washington to get the greenlight with an eye of starting production next summer.

    The project has been in-development for years with the two superstars on-board but have never been able to get their schedules or the script right.

    Hopefully this new rewrite brings the resolution they're looking for as a film starring Smith and Washington that's directed by a guy like McKay has HIT written all over it.

    Source:  Variety


    Expect To Shit Your Pants in JURASSIC WORLD 


    James Cameron's Jurassic Park is an interesting idea that never happened; but could you imagine how different everything could have been? No more wide-eyed, heartfelt family movie like Spielberg gave us; but a (probably) terrifying and just as well done action/horror film in the vein of ALIENS.

    Well, since dinosaurs are fucking scary anyway, it appears Jurassic World is going to go there, to a place we've only seen glimpses of in the Jurassic Park trilogy.

    Jack Horner, a Paleontologist who has done consulting work on the past three films, promises us way back in April (as the article notes) about a dinosaur in the forthcoming sequel that will make audiences:

    "want to keep the lights on after watching this movie".

    Well Horner dropped another comment which isn't exactly breaking news; but interesting to ponder:

    Speaking to Face the State at the Museum of the Rockies, Horner said there's a

    "scary new Dinosaur in it"

    As Jurassic Park fansite, Jurassic World Movie, pointed out, many fans are leaning towards the Troodon, which appeared in the unfinished Jurassic Park PC Game.

    I'm leaning more towards this big god-dammer, since rumors of Jurassic World's plot that surfaced over the summer point to the newly refurbished Isla Nublar station as a "Sea World"esque theme park.


    What do you guys think? 


    Dalton To Rip Out Somebody's Throat Again In "Road House" Remake

    Road House is a guilty pleasure. It's cheesy. It's corny. It's badass.

    It was the late 80's, so lines like "Pain don't hurt." & "I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.", gave you goosbumps and were quoted to your teachers under your breath. When Patrick Swayze aka Dalton ended up ripping a man's throat out during a fight scene you didn't question the logistics of it you simply celebrated the badassery. Now MGM wants you to enjoy the table smashing, throat mashing, bar battle royal all over again.

    Rob Cohen (The Fast And The Furious) has been hand the camera to shoot the Michael Stokes script is a reimagining of the original about a bouncer with an indecipherable past who is hired to wage against the dunker population in a small town Missouri bar.

    I can see Dwayne Johnson taking on this roll but he might be a little too intimidating. Might need somebody like Chris Pine or Jeremy Renner in the role to sell it.


    THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN Coming To Life Once Again


    You think Bigfoot is cool? Puh-lease. 

    Word comes that UK horror studio, Hammer, which brought us the 2010 remake of Let The Right One In, LET ME IN, and 2012's box-office surprise The Woman in Black, is reimagining another classic, this time their own 1957 film, The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas.

     According to Deadline, the remake will be produced by Hammer's own Bne Holden and written by Pusher's Matthew Read and another Hammer alumn Jon Crocker (The Woman in Black: Angel of Death).

    ... the 1957 original which hails from Hammer’s own archives. That film starred Forrest Tucker, Peter Cushing and Maureen Connell and followed a British scientist who joins an American expedition in the Himalayas as they search for the legendary yeti. The new film will be a modern take on the yeti myth and see an expedition’s illegal ascent up a formidable, unclimbed peak which accidentally awakens an ancient creature. 

    Hammer makes some good, chilling, and pretty well done stuff, and this is at least more interesting than the hundreds of b-movies and SciFi Originals you find on Netflix about Bigfoot.

    No word yet on if this will tie into Paramount's G.I. Joe: Retaliation sequel dealing with the Adventure Team's Yeti hunt.



    Here's Your GRAN TURISMO Writer:

    It's been pretty quiet on the front of the big-screen adaptation of Sony Computer Entertainment's best-selling racing game, Gran Turismo;  but word comes today that Alex Tse (The Crow, WATCHMEN) will be bringing the vroom-vroom to life for Columbia Tristar.

    The Hollywood Reporter shed the deets today, of course with Tse taking care of the script and Captain Phillips and 50 Shades of Grey team Michael De Luca, Kevin Spacey, and Dana Brunetti, that gives Gran Turismo a certain odd pedigree of talent.

    No word on plot details; but with Sony's PlayStation 4 dropping just last week, brand recognition will be at an all time high for any and all Sony related goodies.

    Sony's $70 million franchise will be second adaption of a racing game, coming off the heels of Paramount's Need For Speed which releases this spring based on the EA title of the same name.

    If Gran Turismo races past the money-making finish line, I'd probably expect Sony's film division to tap into other best-sellers such as Uncharted (which was attenmpted but shut down just years ago with David O. Russell and Mark Wahlberg), Killzone, and of course God of War. 

    Anything is possible. 


    Apparently You Might Get Some AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Spin-Offs


    Since Marvel started the whole "everyone gets a movie and everything is connected" money-train that has lead to an Avenger being on the big-screen every other month for a year, other studios are trying to ride that train; with the latest being Sony wanting to expand their universe started in 2012's The Amazing Spider-Man, which will get it's sequel this summer.

    According to The Wrap, Sony Co-Chairman Amy Pascal told a group of investors to be on the watch of a bigger Spider-Man universe:

    “We are going to access Marvel’s full world of Spider-Man characters, so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains,” 

    Many are quick to assume this would include Spider-Man's arch nemesis and sometimes friend, the anti-hero known as Venom, who's solo film has been "in development" since about the same time the solo Deadpool movie has (so long ago that people either stopped caring or still have hope).

    While I don't think Spider-Man has as much of an extensive universe as 20th Fox's X-Men, I guess we'll see.

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters this summer. 


    Batman Vs. Superman Vs. Shitty Titles

    Batman Vs. Superman was never a good title. But it wasn't the worst either. It said it all right there and sometimes that's all you need. It has been the assumed title since the Man of Steel sequel-cum-Batman-franchise-sabotage-project was announced back at Comic Con, with no acknowledgement from helmer Zack Snyder and Warner Brothers making passing references.

    Either this is their way of playing the field or an attempt at making Batman Vs. Superman sound incredible by comparison (That's how I see it). The studio has registered the follow titles, reports Fusible:

    • Man of Steel Battle the Knight
    • Man of Steel Beyond Darkness
    • Man of Steel Black of Knight
    • Man of Steel Darkness Falls
    • Man of Steel Knight Falls
    • Man of Steel Shadow of the Night
    • Man of Steel The Blackest Hour
    • Man of Steel The Darkness Within

    Besides being awful titles, what happened to the colons? Are you that grammatically depraved, Warner Brothers? If so, congratulations, you've now made me even less interested in this than I already was.


    Warner Bros. Sets 'Mad Max: Fury Road' for May 15th, 2015

    You know that Mad Max film that was shot back in the summer of 2012 starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron?  The one George Miller - whose directed every film in the series - is helming and that recently went back to do reshoots?  It's finally got a release date...a year and a half from now.

    Warner Bros. has set a 3D summer release of May 15th, 2015 for Mad Max: Fury Road, a great release date for a film hoping to attract old fans and bring in new ones for a franchise over 35 years-old.

    What I don't understand for the life of me is why a film that completed it's principal photography last year is getting a release almost two years from now?

    I've heard of films setting a release date early and completing principal filming way ahead of time to complete all the special effects (Man of Steel had roughly a year and a half of post-production) but this is definitely something I've never seen before, especially for a summer release.

    By the time Mad Max: Fury Road comes out, it will have been almost three years since the film started filming, and about two and a half years since it finished.  That's A LOT of time to edit a film and make sure everything's fine tuned.  I have never seen any of the Mad Max movies (thought I should, and now I've got plenty of time), but I'm willing to bet if this next one ain't the best in the series with all the time given to put it together, that's a damn shame for all the filmmakers involved.

    We'll keep you posted on this project as I'm sure WB will release some kind of footage soon.  It's not like they've got nothing to work with.

    Source:  Warner Bros. Pictures