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    Expect To Shit Your Pants in JURASSIC WORLD 


    James Cameron's Jurassic Park is an interesting idea that never happened; but could you imagine how different everything could have been? No more wide-eyed, heartfelt family movie like Spielberg gave us; but a (probably) terrifying and just as well done action/horror film in the vein of ALIENS.

    Well, since dinosaurs are fucking scary anyway, it appears Jurassic World is going to go there, to a place we've only seen glimpses of in the Jurassic Park trilogy.

    Jack Horner, a Paleontologist who has done consulting work on the past three films, promises us way back in April (as the article notes) about a dinosaur in the forthcoming sequel that will make audiences:

    "want to keep the lights on after watching this movie".

    Well Horner dropped another comment which isn't exactly breaking news; but interesting to ponder:

    Speaking to Face the State at the Museum of the Rockies, Horner said there's a

    "scary new Dinosaur in it"

    As Jurassic Park fansite, Jurassic World Movie, pointed out, many fans are leaning towards the Troodon, which appeared in the unfinished Jurassic Park PC Game.

    I'm leaning more towards this big god-dammer, since rumors of Jurassic World's plot that surfaced over the summer point to the newly refurbished Isla Nublar station as a "Sea World"esque theme park.


    What do you guys think? 

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