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    Bryan Singer Going Full-On Oliver Stone in Latest X-Men: Days of Future Past Viral

    Last Friday was the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. That was all the focus on the 24/7 news networks. Besides those reflecting including some old enough who were alive in 1963, the loonies came out of the woodwork too. It can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt Oswald acted alone. And it wouldn't be enough for them anyway.

    So given the timing, it will be viewed as inappropriate by some. But for the rest of us, it's a clever piece of viral marketing for X-Men: Days of Future Past. According to The Bent Bullet, Magneto was secretly tried and convicted of the president's murder.

    If it sounds familiar, Matthew Vaughn said he was floating the idea around for his First Class sequel before Fox went to Bryan Singer instead. That might explain why he and Jane Goldman have "Story by" credits since Days of Future Past is all Singer.

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