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    Trailer For HOW I LIVE NOW; Yeah You'd Take Your Girlfriend To See It.


    The trailer for How I Live Now, the latest film from The Last King of Scotland director Kevin MacDonald and starring HANNA's Saoirse Ronan, is the kind of film that your girlfriend might think looks cute; because it's half of a Nicholas Sparks novel; but then it's also part "The Last of Us" with maybe a little bit of The Road mixed in for good measure.

    Above all else, this shows how young-adult fiction can be turned into something substantial as a film; with some Oscar winners sprinkled in there and a very adult tone to things. You know, the thing that could have happened to The Hunger Games if they didn't turn it into Twilight: Battle Royale Edition.

    The film, adapted from the young-adult novel by Meg Rosoff, stars Saoirse Ronan, Tom Holland, George MacKay, and Anna Chancellor. The film opens Octover 4, 2013 in the UK.

    How I Live Now is the powerful and engaging story of Daisy, the precocious New Yorker and her English cousin Edmond, torn apart as war breaks out in London of a not-so-distant future.
    Fifteen-year-old Daisy thinks she knows all about love. Her mother died giving birth to her, and now her dad has sent her away for the summer, to live in the English countryside with cousins she’s never even met. There she’ll discover what real love is: something violent, mysterious and wonderful. There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a million bewildering pieces. How will Daisy live then?


    Fox Wants Hugh Jackman to Play Wolverine Forever - Reportedly Offers $100 Million

    During a THR cover story last February, Hugh Jackman showed a side we'd never seen before, let alone never thought we’d live to see. Resistance to playing Wolverine 'till the end of time.

    X-Men has been good to Jackman and he has had the smarts and class to know that (That might sound silly but 99.999999% of the time these actors buy into their own hype, get too big for their britches and start to think they're better than the series that made them who they are). But he is getting older and the fact is how much longer can he convincingly play the never-aging Wolverine? That seemed to be on his mind during the afore-mentioned THR piece.

    He wasn't saying "I'm done!" He just said he was taking a break from it all. Evidentially 20th Century Fox read that article and took it as contract-negotiation double-talk. In an attempt to keep the face of their coveted property fat and happy, the studio has reportedly sent a deal Jackman's way only the likes of Robert Downey Jr. (and Christian Bale, were he to ever accept) are getting. A $100 million deal to play Wolverine four more times, and here’s the kicker. It sounds like he's gonna tell them "Thanks but no thanks."

    Like Downey leading up to Iron Man 3's release, Fox can talk all they want about other films without their go-to guy. But the fact is he is the de-facto representation of the Merry Mutants. The Wolverine under-performed but that's more on terrible trailers/marketing and the bad-taste left in audiences' mouths from X-Men: Origins - Wolverine. If he isn't around with his half-side-burns/half-beard and Adamantium claws, much of the interest from the general public is gone, no matter what that X-Men movie is about (See: X-Men: First Class and why Wolverine is the time-traveler in X-Men: Days of Future Past and not Kitty Pryde).

    Source: The National Enquirer


    Best Film This Summer (AKA: This Is the End) Hits Home Video in October

    Two camps of film-goers; one who saw This Is the End and those who didn’t. And while the Seth Rogen/Evan Goldberg-directing apocalypse comedy was a financial success (First one in awhile for the longtime commercially poisonous Rogen), plenty opted to stay home that weekend, or in most cases see Man of Steel instead.

    I get where those people are coming from. Both the green and red-band trailers came off like the biggest piece of Look at how staring at the camera being "Clever" meta crap since Ocean's 12. But trust me, it wasn't. It comfortably wore the Crown of "Best Movie of Summer 2013" with no real serious threats.

    And I realize it's easier for you, good reader, to take a chance of This Is the End when the financial "risk" is $2 on Red Box compared to $15 (depend on where you live) at your local multiplex. Do yourself a favor and take that risk. You'll have a blast. Oh, and go in as clean as possible. Trust me. I damn near lost my voice laughing at loud (Phil will attest to that).

    For the rest of us who saw the comedy-classic, here are the specs on the forthcoming DVD/Blu-Ray due to hit retailers October 1st courtesy of Entertainment Weekly. Take note, the names for several Blu-Ray-only featurettes spoil some of the biggest laughs. So I nuked them here. Normally I'm not a Spoiler Bitch, but again... you'll want to be surprised. Click on the link above if you want the full details (AKA: you don't give a damn regardless):

    Blu-ray Exclusive Bonus Material:
    -- Deleted Scenes
    -- This is the Gag Reel
    -- Line-O-Ramas Blooper Reel -- Back-to-back shots of the actors' different delivery of certain lines from the film, including: Sleepover, C-m Battle, We Don’t Know You Man!

    Blu-ray & DVD Bonus Material:
    Commentary with directors Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg
    Directing Your Friends featurette -- Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg discuss what it’s like to make a film with their friends and hear from the cast about their experiences.
    This Is The Marketing -- Marketing outtakes, Cast featurette, red-band sizzle trailer, and four additional confessionals: Aziz Haunts Craig confessional, James & Danny confessional, Jonah confessional, Seth & Jay confessional


    Big Daddy Has a Case of the Bad Mondays

    His choices are generally pretty bad and he's unapologetically taking them for the money (What with his debts; so extreme he owned a castle, prompting me and my partner-in-crime Peter to joke about the fake children’s show Nicolas Cage's Castle) but you know what? Nicolas Cage brings it.

    I've never seen him phone it in. Then again, I've also never sat through all the films he's said "Yes" to. But when I do, it's always fun to see how extreme he will go each time out. Movie Hole reports the latest production paying the bills for Cage is, appropriately named, Bad Monday. He'll play a down-on-his-luck schmuck who finds a duffel bag full of drug money and cocaine and needless to say... the owners of that cartel (involved with a drug deal gone array) are looking for it. Things get ugly.

    Production is expected to get underway pretty soon. Cage has shot quite a few pictures down here in New Orleans. So he's always welcome here (Quite the nice chap). No director is set though Nicholas Meyer (Yes, that Wrath of Khan-directing, Shakespeare-quoting Nicholas Meyer!) is said to be in contention.


    Vin Diesel Says Vin Diesel Is In Guardians of the Galaxy

    You know how most actors (and filmmakers, executives, studio heads an--oh to Hell with it, everyone in showbiz) hire help whose job ranges from getting them Taco Bell at 3:00 A.M., walking the dog or, when it matters, stop them from making an ass out themselves in public? Vin Diesel needs one whose job exclusively involves them stopping him from posting stuff online.

    He's been tooting his own horn about participating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the last several months. Posting pictures of himself next to Vision and telling fans at Comic-Con that big news was coming at D23. All the while, Kevin Feige & Co. kept their mouths shut (For negotiation purposes? Because it was bullshit? Who knows?) Cut to this weekend and nothing of note happened at D23, besides the non-presence of Star Wars: Episode VII.

    Well, Diesel is at it again. He's posted a picture of Groot, the giant tree-like alien from James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy who only says, "I am Groot!" on his Facebook page.

    Ermahgerd! Vin Diesel is voicing Groot?!?! Sorry, but after how he blew smoke up our asses earlier, I'm not taking him at his word. Quickly thereafter, "TOLDJA" jumped on the bandwagon saying that yes he is in talks for the role. While reputable (understatement, I realize), they have had a tendency of being all "Oh yeah... We knew that the whole time! We just didn't wanna say! *Sticks tongue out*"

    So again, I'm iffy on this. Still waiting to hear from Marvel or director Gunn before I take this to heart. No offense, Vin.


    Weekend Box Office: August 9-11

    Courtesy of Box Office Mojo:

    1.  Elysium - $30.4 million

    2.  We're The Millers - $26.5 million

    3.  Planes - $22.5 million

    4.  Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - $14.6 million

    5.  2 Guns - $11.1 million

    6.  The Smurfs 2 - $9.5 million

    7.  The Wolverine - $8 million

    8.  The Conjuring - $6.7 million

    9.  Despicable Me 2 - $5.7 million

    10.  Grown Ups 2 - $3.7 million

    Lots of new releases this weekend, but there could only be one winner for first place.  That was Elysium, which opened with a decent-but-not-spectacular $30.5 million.  There may be some audience fatigue from all of the post-apocalyptic dystopian future-themed movies we've already had this year (Oblivion, After Earth, and Pacific Rim), and Elysium's R-rating certainly didn't help get the younger crowds in.  It also opened below director Neil Blomkamp's previous film, District 9, which opened with $37 million in 2009.  That movie wound up earning $115 domestically and was even nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars that year, but Elysium doesn't seem headed on the same trajectory at this point. 

    Audiences desperate for a comedy that wasn't Grown Ups 2 were happy with We're The Millers, which has earned $38 million since opening on Wednesday.  That was a great start, and the "A-" Cinemascore means folks seem to like it, so it should keep doing steady business as the summer winds down.

    On a similar note, families desperate for a kids' film that wasn't The Smurfs 2 were pleased with Disney's Planes, the animated movie that isn't from Pixar, but sort of looks like Cars with planes.  While its $22.5 million isn't anywhere in the neighborhood of a Pixar film, it did well enough for a film that was originally intended to go straight to video. 

    Last, but not least in new releases was Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, which just didn't garner much attention at all.  Its $14.6 million is about half of what the previous Percy Jackson film opened with, and after also opening last Wednesday, the film has only earned about $23.5 million.

    All of these new releases meant that the holdovers were pretty much shellacked this weekend.  Last week's champ, 2 Guns, dropped nearly 60% and earned just $11.1 million.  The Wolverine lost most of its 3D shows and fell all the way to seventh place with $8 million.  The Smurfs 2, which underwhelmed last weekend, stabilized a bit with $9.5 million, but still isn't likely to catch up to the first film, which earned $142 million. 

    In limited release, Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine has been doing great business, earning $2.4 million in just 116 theaters.

    Next weekend, we have our last superhero film of the summer, Kick-Ass 2, the Steve Jobs biopic Jobs, the action thriller Paranoia, and Lee Daniels' The Butler, which should start getting the awards watch going as we head into fall.


    New Footage From the Set of The Day The Clown Cried

    There is a longstanding theory held The Day the Clown Cried will not be officially released until after Jerry Lewis dies. He just doesn't want to live to see the reaction to the legendary unreleased feature. Some clever guys online did some Criterion mock-ups, but no fooling that sounds exactly like where it would be headed. Assuming we ever see it.

    The closest access we've had are behind the scene photos highlighted by one of Lewis with a clapper in front of Hitler portrait, silent film showcased on his A&E Biography and anecdotes from Harry Shearer, one of the few who saw the film. All of which is online BTW if you want to see it for yourself.

    Rarely seen footage taken from a French (Who else?) film-crew has surfaced, via Mondo Film Podcast. There's Jerry in makeup doing his routine, directing on the set and applying makeup. Fascinating stuff if you're a nerd, like me, dying to see the Holocaust-set film so bad, Lewis refused to release it to be the public.


    Bloodline Opening This September From Osiris Distribution & Regal Cinemas

    Osiris Entertainment Film Distribution collaborates with Regal Cinemas to release the company's first theatrical film, Bloodline. The fantasy thriller is slated to premiere late September in markets such as Los Angeles, CA and Sacramento, CA.

    Produced by and starring Sacramento-native and award winning director, Matt Thompson, Bloodline is the first theatrical release for Osiris Entertainment. Thompson is originally from Roseville, CA and has directed the award winning film, Listen to Your Heart (2010), starring Cybill Shepherd. The young producer and his talents hit his hometown again, as his Bloodline will feature in five Regal Cinemas throughout the Sacramento region late September 2013.

    Shot and filmed in the Eldorado National Forest of Sacramento, Bloodline uncovers the eerie past and life of Brett Ethos (Matt Thompson). A young seminary student inching toward a priestly life, Brett falls away from the church as his curiosities entice him to divulge into worldly pleasures ultimately leading to the relentless realities of his identity. Tempted to unmask the hidden mirrors of his past, fear consumes him at the site of the haunting reflections, as self-discovery becomes the most terrifying journey of all. Truth is discovered, blood is tainted, and darkness pollutes their fate, Brett puts his own life and the lives around him in an immense danger as he is torn between his faith and his curse.

    "We are excited to work with a young and successful director such as Matt," says Osiris Entertainment CEO, Evan Crooke. "As a filmmaker myself, I recognize his talent and ambition towards a genuinely shared passion, which is displayed through his work especially Bloodline."

    Bloodline also stars Kimberly Alexander (NCIS), Grainger Hines (Lincoln), Jesse Kristofferson (Melrose Place), Gina Comparetto (How I Met Your Mother), and Christopher Frontiero (Parks and Recreation).


    New Image From "The Pirate Fairy"

    When a misunderstood dust-keeper fairy named Zarina steals Pixie Hollow’s all-important Blue Pixie Dust, and flies away to join forces with the pirates of Skull Rock, Tinker Bell and her fairy friends must embark on the adventure of a lifetime to return it to its rightful place. However, in the midst of their pursuit of Zarina, Tink’s world is turned upside down. She and her friends find that their respective talents have been switched and they have to race against time to retrieve the Blue Pixie Dust and return home to save Pixie Hollow. With comedy, heart and epic thrills for the whole family, “The Pirate Fairy” sets sail Spring 2014.


    New Image From "Frozen"

    Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen,” directed by Chris Buck (“Tarzan”) and Jennifer Lee (“Wreck-It Ralph”- screenplay by), and produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Winnie the Pooh,” “The Princess and the Frog”), shared never-before-seen film footage, introduced by “Frozen” stars Kristen Bell, voice of Anna, and Josh Gad, voice of Olaf. Fans were also treated to a show-stopping live performance of the film’s powerful new song “Let It Go,” sung by Broadway’s Tony® Award-winner Idina Menzel, who provides the voice of Elsa in the film.

    In “Frozen,” fearless optimist Anna (voice of Bell) teams up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf (voice of Gad) in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa (voice of Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. In theaters Nov. 27, 2013.