Warner Brothers Plays Hot Potato on Dark Tower

To say The Dark Tower can't catch a break is not fair. That would imply those behind this packaged presentation made concessions for it to happen and still no luck. That is not the case here.
After Universal passed on the ambitious, and downright financially irresponsible plan for three movies and two limited-run TV shows based on the Stephen King novels, Amblin took it to Warner Brothers. Where it's been languishing in the hopes the studio would move forward. Hoping to entice was Russell Crowe attached to headline as Roland Deschain (an actor, brilliant as he is, past his prime, a nightmare to deal with and not on good terms with the general public; yeah... smart thinking there, fellas!)
Variety reports the Brothers Warner aren't run by idiots. They've passed on the project. Good on them. Talks have already jumped to a third potential backer Media Rights Capital (cash hot in their pockets from the huge success of Ted this summer). Hey, if they wanna blow their money, fine. Assuming they don't follow the trend of Universal and WB before them.
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