Kevin Costner Will Mentor Jack Ryan & Mr. Clark in Perspective Films

It's been a long road for Kevin Costner.
His Midwestern-charm made him an appealing draw for the baby-boomer generation, resulting in a string of equal-opportunity hits (a la success financially and critically) in the late 80s-to-early 90s. There was a charisma on display few have seen this side of John Wayne and his Untouchables co-star Sean Connery. It didn't matter to the appropriateness, or lack thereof, of a part. Costner got you past it. Case in point: his not putting on an English accent for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
When the time came for the inevitable fall-out, few fell as spectacularly. Those old enough to remember the Waterworld press need no reminder. Contrary to what's written in the history book of public perception, it was a hit. It didn't matter. The damage was done and it didn't get any better. Lest we forget the "Opened on Friday, Closed on Saturday" reception to The Postman. Hard to imagine this was the same guy not too many years prior packing em into the multiplex turned the butt of the joke.
But as the old saying goes time heals all wounds. It's not a big splashy, come-back role getting Costner back on the saddle. No, its people, filmmakers and the masses alike, going, "You know... I miss Kevin Costner!"
The History Channel mini-series Hatfields & McCoys and its success is just a taste of what's coming for the Oscar-winner. He'll be Pa Kent in The Man of Steel next June bestowing on Henry Cavill's Superman/Clark Kent morals and values on his journey to truth, justice and the American way.
He'll continue his onscreen mentor status playing William Harper, who recruits Tom Clancy's literary heroes Jack Ryan and John Kelly (later Mr. Clark) in their perspective films; the untitled Jack Ryan reboot (formerly Moscow) from director Kenneth Branagh and Chris Pine as Ryan and Without Remorse for Christopher McQuarrie and, if Paramount gets their way, Tom Hardy as Mr. Clark. A Nick Fury to Paramount's intended Clancyverse (Not a real world, but I'm making it up right now!) Ironic since Costner passed on playing Ryan for The Hunter for Red October two decades prior. Funny how things come around.
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