Batman 3 News Coming. Maybe. Probably.

If some loser-twerp says, “News is coming! I can’t say what it is, but its coming I tells ya!” that’s not news and they’re obviously just making shit up. Like the kind Peter was referring to in his Separating the Men From the Fanboys article from yesterday.
However if it’s a non-moron like Bill Ramey (aka Jett) over at Batman-On-Film and he actually talks about what we should expect to hear, then it is news, boys and girls. See? That wasn’t so hard to distinguish. Granted this is stuff everyone figured would take place but still. According to his source(s) (and citing “scuttlebutt”), any agreement between Christopher Nolan and Warner Brothers for Batman 3 should be signed, sealed and delivered by as early as January 2010.
I'm weary of this "An annoucement is coming!" type of news. What happens if January comes and goes and nothing happens? Are we prone for the go-to "Well, things change!" response/excuse. I'm taking Jett at his word here. But that's a fair and realistic question to pose, folks.
They also add, "the longer we don't here a Nolan/B3 announcement in 2010, the less likely it is that the director will return." That's a given though. But still we get what Jett (and his sources) is saying.
If Nolan is returning for a third trip to the director's chair (and I personally think he is), the best thing they can do is just go ahead and announce the damn thing. Give everyone some basic information like the title, release date, Christian Bale wearing the cape and cowl again, Jonah Nolan and David Goyer returning to write, etc. and leave it at that. Don't go into anymore details for the time being.
Then Warner Brothers and Nolan can spend the rest of their time promoting Inception and if some dipshit (like you know, MTV Movies Blog) asks about Batman 3, they just point to the previously unveiled information and leave it at that.
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