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    James McTeigue Keeps Talking Superman - For Some Reason

    For any filmmaker, nerd, fanboy, etc. saying, “If I did the next Superman movie, I’d make it different from the last one. You know I’d make it dark and stuff,” then you actually didn’t sit through Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns. No matter your opinion on its quality (or lack thereof), Singer tried to balance the well beloved and established myth of Krypton’s Last Son with a more realistic angle and edge (i.e. giving Supes and Lois a little boy, Lex gutting the Man of Steel with a kryptonite ice-pick, etc.)

    So it was interesting when director James McTeigue said a few months back how he’d make Kal-El dark (here and here). Oy vey. To be fair, the difference between him and say, oh I don’t know Mark Millar is he had an actual chance of making a new Superman film. He’s not just talking outta his ass for attention unlike that press-whoring, bullshit-spreader. But that was a couple of months back.

    Now MTV caught up with McTeigue while he’s making the rounds for Ninja Assassins. There was no way they weren’t going to ask him about Superman and that they did:

    “It's in a weird place at the moment. They're trying to work out what they're doing. Warner Brothers is trying to figure out their next move on it. There's some things you can do with the 'Superman' franchise, there's other things you can't do. So it hasn't gone anywhere."

    So this is obvious non-news and it’s merely a reiteration of Warner Brothers/DC’s “No current plans” status from yester-month. At least, he’s moved past his “I can neither confirm nor deny” answer. Will we get another Superman movie? Absolutely. Will the Man of Steel fly into cinemas anytime soon like 2011? Doubtful.

    Reader Comments (1)

    If he isn't going to do an origin, I don't want him to do it.

    11-18-2009 | Unregistered CommenterOrigin

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