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    Mad Mel Talks Mad Max 4

    You have to wonder how people would have reacted had George Miller said, “Mel Gibson is absolutely coming back for Mad Max 4! You thought I was going to recast that part?” Of course, that didn’t happen and the iconic hero is planning to return in a fourth installment with British actor Tom Hardy taking the mantle.

    While promoting the Blu-Ray release of his Oscar-winning epic Braveheart (good film, but I was never nuts about it), Gibson talked about Fury Road to the Herald Sun:

    “I was just talking with George the other day, he dropped me a line, so you kind of keep in touch with them and see what they’re up to.”

    Although Mad Mel was quick to dismiss his return to the leather-clad suit once again saying, “You need somebody who can get around a bit quicker.” My guess is Miller initially went to him when he finally secured financing but Gibson opted out. Thereby explaining the casting of one Mr. Hardy who I’m sure will be fine in the role.

    As recently as 2003 Miller and Gibson were set to make Fury Road with filming to commence overseas - I think in Morocco, correct me if I’m wrong. But once the Iraq War Part Deux started, all studios got skittish towards an expensive production taking place on the other side of the world. Hence the plug was pulled.

    So if you really wanted to see Gibson return, you can blame Saddam Hussein. But don’t worry, kids. Our pal Saddam is burning in Hell right now for his crimes against humanity and we’re still getting a new Mad Max movie. So it all worked out.

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