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    Bradley Cooper to Voice Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy

    First scooped by Latino Review last night and confirmed by The Wrap. Bradley Cooper is in talks to voice Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.

    Arguably the biggest risk Marvel has taken since the casting of Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man (You laugh but few would insure him for years even after he got his life together), a property as out-there and geek heavy as Guardians with its talking raccoons and giant tree aliens who only say "I AM GROOT!" this is going to need as many big-names as possible to gage interest from the general masses.

    And it's odd that the highest profile name involved is the guy voicing Rocket Raccoon. Does Cooper even have that distinguished a voice? It takes balls to go this bold a strategy. For that, I tip my fedora in respect of its director James Gunn and the House of Ideas.

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