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    « Jurassic Park 3D Trailer: Same Movie, Slightly New Logo | Main | First TV Spot for Les Miserables »

    Welcome to Five Months Ago: The Man of Steel Going 3D

    In July, the official IMAX site let slip The Man of Steel was going 3D. Until the page was yanked and Warner Brothers cried foul. Retractions were made on most sites. Not here. I knew it was bogus (Too much at stake and this was before Time Warner won crucial court-cases keeping their big slice of the Superman pie) and the initial leak was real.

    How else do you explain it appearing on the official IMAX site, people?!

    As expected, the studio announced this afternoon, what do you know, The Man of Steel will be post-converted. There's a press release (per Coming Soon) and even a "They made me do this!" read-between-the-lines quote from Zack Snyder.

    Now everyone can pretend to be surprised a studio lied to them. Idiots.

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