Jurassic Park 3D Trailer: Same Movie, Slightly New Logo

No, there's no real reason to re-release Jurassic Park in 3D, other than it being an obvious cash-grab and because there still isn't a Jurassic Park 4.
But, it's happening anyway, and let's face it: it's Jurassic Park on the big screen - in 3D! You'd have to be a truly soulless creature devoid of joy to not to think that's going to be a total blast.
The trailer is here, and while it's obviously the same movie we've known for nearly 20 years (?!) now, just imagine what this will look like with the dinosaurs running at you, and you'll get the idea of how this is going to look:
Fine, go ahead. Take my money, Universal. Jurassic Park 3D opens in theaters on April 5, 2013.
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