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    Teaser Trailer & Poster For The Dark Knight Rises Drops Next Week

    Next week while you're standing outside in the heat to get your Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows – Part II tickets (unless you already purchased them online), here's something a little extra for the effort courtesy of Warner Brothers.

    Superhero Hype reports the teaser-trailers for The Dark Knight Rises, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and, the most anticipated one of them all, Happy Feet 2, will be in front of the final Potter next Friday. Next week will also see the debut (...somewhere...) of the teaser poster for Christopher Nolan's Batman swan-song.

    So if we see half a dozen shaky-cam YouTube versions surfacing from the Potter midnight screenings, don't be surprised. Also probably best not to get worked up over seeing oodles of new footage. Although it's reported to be 93 seconds in length, there's a chance it's a repeat of The Dark Knight teaser from back in summer of 2007.

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