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    Harry Lennix Joins The Man of Steel

    The cast of The Man of Steel looks like a balancing act of lesser-to-unknowns (Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue) to the big-names who've been in the public eye for years (Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Christopher Meloni, Julia Ormond). Judging by that list, the former outweighs the latter by a hefty margin, would you agree? About time to add more weight to the first group.

    Variety reports Harry Lennix is the newest addition to the soon-to-be-lensing Superman reboot. He'll play the "high-ranking" General Swanwick, presumably under the command of Meloni's yet-revealed general, who may or may not, be General Sam Lane, the proud papa of Lois Lane (Amy Adams).

    It says he had a big part in The Matrix sequels, but to be honest, I can't recall anything from his performance, other than how much both movies sucked.

    Reader Comments (3)

    Nice to hear he has joined the cast. I was hoping for him to be a real dc character. But I am sure he will do well in this role. Hopefully his general role is an ally to meloni general who I really hope is sam lane.

    07-8-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Michael Shannon isn't a "lesser known" name.

    07-9-2011 | Unregistered CommenterLex

    @ Lex

    He isn't a lesser name than Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Christopher Meloni, and Julia Ormond?


    A lesser name than other actors that were mentioned as being connected to Zod, Daniel Day Lewis and Viggo Mortenson?

    In general he is a lesser known, the general public has no idea who he is.

    07-13-2011 | Unregistered CommenterPeter G.

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