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    Samuel Motherfucking Jackson Meets Captain Motherfucking America

    This past Saturday an additional sequence for Captain America was filmed in New York's Times Square. The scene in question appears to involve the title character (as played by Chris Evans) meeting Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson filling his contractual duty of appearing in every Marvel production underneath the Sun – when they make Spider-Ham, expect Jackson to show up) in what could be the final scene (the obligatory "Avengers SET UP!" bit) or perhaps a post-credits coda.

    No need of slapping down every single picture taken. What with the seven million population in that city, and God knows how many of them had their cameras flashing when they saw Evans and Jackson walking around the street with a film crew. We'll instead just show you some video shot from the filming. For pictures, feel free to check out  Eye Prime, Klatsch-Tratsch and Super Hero Hype

    Anyone else think Evans looks considered less juiced, for lack of a better term?

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