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    Cameo We'd All Heard About Confirmed - Johnny Depp to Appear in 21 Jump Street

    Not that it was a surprise at this point. So I can't be that douche who yells, "AWWWWW! You spoiled it for everyone!"

    We've known for quite awhile now the filmmakers behind 21 Jump Street were aiming to have Johnny Depp (star of the original late 80s Fox TV series; you know, before he fully embraced his inner-weirdo to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars) cameo in the big-screen version starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. I guess it all boiled down to Depp's schedule being open, and just plain, him being game for it.

    Coming Soon says it's mission accomplished as they've received confirmation that Depp will show up sometime during production – which is already underway down here in New Orleans.

    Truth be told, it's very cool that Depp is willing to do this when he clearly doesn't have to. He's just a cool guy.

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