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    Mortal Kombat Episode 1

    Back in June of last year we got our first look at what could have been the potential for a new R rated Mortal Kombat film. The trailer was all kinds of awesome, and was said to be director Kevin Tancharoen's pitch to Warner Bros for a new feature. Instead of instantly giving a green light to the risky project they instead commissioned him to develop a new web series based on the short.

    Cut to today and we have our first episode of Mortal Kombat: Legacy. Just from the impression the short had left on me I had my expectations set pretty damn high. I guess I should have lowered em' just a little bit. The first episode looks like an excerpt from a failed pilot for a shitty HBO series that never got picked up. If done right and given a decent budget I think the series could actually work on a network like HBO or Showtime, but going in the direction they are now, I'd say it fits the web series format they're in now best. A new R rated film probably isn't actually the best idea now that I've seen this and thought about it, and I seriously doubt it's any higher on WB's list of priorities right now that in it was before.

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