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    A Huntsman Hugh Jackman Won’t Be

    By this time, Universal is probably on Plan D or E for Snow White & the Huntsman.

    Production on the Rupert Sanders-directed action-oriented "revisionist" take on the age-old fairy tale is itching to start this fall. Problem is they’ve been trying to nab down a Huntsman to Kristen Stewart's Snow White to no success.

    Viggo Mortensen didn't work out, and last week, it appeared the filmmakers had a silver lining in Hugh Jackman as the X-Men star was offered the gig. Fresh off The Wolverine pumping the brakes and with nothing else in the foreseeable future (Jackman's plans to star in Lee Daniels' Selma also shit the bed), it seemed like the perfect "right place, right time" case for him to say "Yes" to a big crowd-pleasing, Christmas release that didn't involved the X-Men.

    Well, stick a fork in that one says The Wrap. Jackman didn't take a bite at the offer and Universal is left searching again. Doesn't help matters Relativity Media has their own rival production The Brothers Grimm: Snow White gearing up with Tarsem Singh (director of the soon-to-be-flop Immortals) behind the camera, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer and Julia Roberts starring and a June 29, 2012 release.

    Plenty of lesser-to-unknowns out there could be suitable. Could easily see one of the (many) Bourne Legacy contenders get the part. But they’re clearly aiming for a "name" to allure asses in seats.

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