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    Joaquin Phoenix Mulling Over Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    It's one thing to do a couple of bad movies, and another to alienate millions of paying movie-goers who first brought you fame and fortune. Whether this fall out of public favor was political commentary (generally folks don’t give a shit about an entertainer's politics regardless if their color of choice is blue or red) or pushing your controversial religion, it's never an unwise decision to keep your mouth shut. Just ask Will Smith and Hugh Jackman – people love those guys.

    On the other hand, Joaquin Phoenix spent the last two years squandering his talent and time with brother-in-law Casey Affleck of the "documentary" I'm Not Here. Considering how both swore up and down it wasn't a hoax (That David Letterman interview has become the stuff of legend), people weren't amused when it turned out to be just that. Hell, I still haven't seen it or even its trailer.

    Phoenix, despite being a very good actor, seriously needs to get back to what made people dig him in the first place – appearing in good movies that make a lot of money. That brings us to this news-item.

    "TOLDJA" says he's being eyed for 20th Century Fox’s big summer release Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. If he accepts (Word is the part is his if he so desires), he'd play the mysterious mentor figure to our 16th President of the United States (to be played by Benjamin Walker) and show him the ways of vampire killing.

    This is such an oddball project (I still laugh at how stupid it sounds even despite the said popularity of the novel this is based on) I wonder if Phoenix is better suited for Honest Abe.

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