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    Kristen Stewart & Four Others Battle For Lois Lane

    Now that Team Nolan and Team Warner has their Superman in the young British actor Henry Cavill, the search for his flying partner seems to have accelerated into second gear.

    According to What's Playing, WB has a short list of actresses that are clawing it out for the role of Lois Lane in the upcoming Superman film. Kristen Stewart, Malin Akerman, Dianna Argon, Jessica Biel, and Rachel McAdams are going toe to toe now.

    Stewart made her mark toeing the line with werewolves and vampires in the Twilight series, she really needs no introduction. Dianna Argon is bringing in week in and week out on "Glee" and she is rumored to have read for both Spider-Man. You can see the interest in these two young ladies because of the notoriety among the younger demographic, imagine theaters crawling with Twihards or Gleeks?

    One might think that Malin Akerman would have some sort of inside track because of her work with Snyder on "Watchmen", but that didn't really seem to work for Matthew Goode.  McAdams has long been a forum fanboy go to when casting Lois, she has the chops and worked with WB before on "Sherlock Holmes"

    That leaves Biel. The reason she intrigues me the most is because we have heard her name before on a previous shortlist, except that was for the role of Catwoman in "Dark Knight Rises" which ultimately went to Anne Hathaway. Biel also read for the Wonder Woman role in the doomed from day one "Justice League: Mortal" Could Biel be in a similar situation as Cavill? He was in the mix for the role of "Batman Begins" and also cast as Superman in a previous incarnation during the McG days.

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    Reader Comments (6)

    There is no way in hell Kristen Stewart is up for Lois Lane. She is completely wrong for the part in every way possible.

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn DiNicola

    I love agron to death but lois needs spunk
    just like in the originals, someone like Emma Stone

    anyone else and you'll get another bosthworth

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered Commenterthechristopher

    I think Jessica Biel would do a good job as Lois Lane. She's a much better actress than people give her credit for in my opinion, but Olivia Wilde is still my number one choice for Lois Lane.

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered CommenterBMAN

    I def don't wang stewart, but any of the other choices would be fine picks.

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    No Stewart for Lois!

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

    Rachel McAdams for Lois Lane she's perfect!

    02-1-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

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