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    Ridley Scott's Prometheus Heads for June 2012

    When it was announced Ridley Scott's Alien prequel morphed into Prometheus, 20th Century Fox also set a March 9, 2012 release. That would put it in direct competition for us paying movie-goer's smackeroos against Disney's John Carter of Mars – itself previously set for June 8th.

    ERC Box-Office got the info out there first – thus we'll credit them. Fox has yanked Prometheus outta March and firmly planted it in Carter's initial June 8th slot.

    Don't know how to interpret this call. Is it a sign of confidence on Fox's end or merely a case of stocking up on their inventory? The only other summer releases they have, so far, are Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Stop giggling - it's said to be a popular book!) and Ice Age: Continental Drift.

    What's eerie is how I was noting to my TMT partner-in-crime Peter Georgiou a few days back how that June 8th opening was unoccupied and assuming the Darren Aronofsky-helmed Wolverine sequel would take it. Here we are today and not only has another Fox production taken it, but I don't know the last time we legitimately heard anything on the X-Men prequel/sequel front.

    Weird, is something up or am I just over-thinking this one?

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