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    « The Apocalypse On Hold | Main | David Mamet Adapting Diary of Anne Frank »

    When There's No More Room in Hell, Frank Darabont Will Walk the Earth

    I love Frank Darabont (If I had a say in the matter, he would write the next Superman film. Are you listening, Warner Brothers?!?), and I love zombie films (George Romero's Dawn of the Dead remains one of my all-time favorites!) So the union of the two fills my nerd heart.

    As per the trades, AMC has every intention of continuing their current hot-streak after Mad Men and Breaking Bad. The network has lined up Darabont to write and direct a "series adaptation" of the comic-book The Walking Dead. The material isn't exactly the most original in the zombie holocaust department. But I'm a sucker for the genre, and Darabont will certainly have fun with the material and make something worthwhile out of it.

    Plus, we'll have just as much a blast spotting out Darabont alumni Bill Sadler and Jeffrey DeMunn in the cast as seeing KNB work their magic with the zombie makeup effects.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I am thoroughly opposed to the idea of human cloning but I would be willing to let my ethics slide to create several Darabont clones which can work on multiple projects of awesomeness at the same time.

    Then I would destroy the machine in case McG ever found it.

    08-12-2009 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

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