News, Rumors & 100% Grade-A Internet Bullshit - October 1, 2009

- Looking forward to next summer’s A-Team movie? Me too! Now Coming Soon has a first look at our heroes. In case you didn’t know (or don’t remember), that’s “Rampage” Jackson as B.A. Baracus, Liam Neeson as Hannibal Smith, Sharlto Copley as “Howling Mad” Murdock and Bradley Cooper as Face. Jesus. Is it me or is it weird seeing Neeson with his hair that way?
- I love Quentin Tarantino and he just delivered his honest to Christ masterpiece with Inglorious Basterds. But how many times has he announced doing a film, spent months talking up a storm and then ultimately losing interest and abandoning it? Plenty. That’s why I can’t take him seriously when he says (via Italian website Bad Taste) that Kill Bill Volume III is coming.
- In more "First Look" news, Splash News has a nice juicy look at Seth Rogen as Green Hornet. So now we have an idea of what his ever-so-shrinking waistline was supposed to look like in costume. Looks good. They also have some video of an explosion being filmed for the production to wet your appetite until its release next Christmas...err...whatever date Sony decides to move it away from Tron Legacy.
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