Bay Confirms Transformers 3 for July 2011

Despite previously saying that it would be coming 2012, Michael Bay has now confirmed (via his official website) that Transformers 3 will hit cinemas on July 1, 2011. That was the date originally set by Paramount months before the second installment Revenge of the Fallen was released.
In fact, Bay’s already started work on it as he explains:
Today is Day One. This morning started with an ILM meeting for five hours in San Francisco. Currently I'm flying with writer Ehren Kruger to Rhode Island to talk to Hasbro about new characters.
I’m sure we’ll get more stereotypes like the flaming homosexual and neurotic Jewish transformers to go along with Skids and Mudflap. Can’t wait!
Should I bring up that Bay directly addressed working with Megan Fox again? No? Thought so. She made one of the more retard career-moves by biting the hand that fed her (i.e. Bay) and now she’s returning with her tail between her legs after Jennifer’s Body was a complete box-office bust. That and people are officially sick of her. Good for them.
Reader Comments (5)
I'd like to put my tail between her legs if you know what I mean.
Who says the people are officially sick of Megan Fox? LOL, your tiny opinion is far from the official voice of the people. Hoser.
I can tell you now that I'm sick of Megan Fox, and have been sick of her shit talking, sexist, and bitchy mouth for a while now. Sereiously, she says she's bi, but she finds men to be "dirty", and feels "safer" with girls. But, you have these stupid teenage boys masturbating to her despite her sexist remarks. It makes me feel sorry humanity when a woman who CAN'T act gets more attention than a woman who can. As for the film...well, the sad thing is that this series is in much need for improvement, but the only thing I see them improving is the special effects again.
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