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« Movie Moan's Summer 2014 Box Office Predictions - The Results | Main | Movie Moan - Days Of Present Ranting »

Movie Moan - Phil's 31st Birthday Bash

Hi everyone, it's nice to see you all again. We just though, same as last year, that there was no better way to spend my birthday than getting together for two and a half hours of podcasting to celebrate Marvel's biggest risk to date paying off but also to recap the best of Comic-Con, the movies we've seen recently, the best and worst of the summer etc.

Plus, Mr Matt Thompson has already seen 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' and will be glad to tell you whether it's worth your 8 bucks.

So come and join Phil's Skype birthday party. You're already late. Press play quick!

Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

Reader Comments (7)

Happy Birthday, Phil!!! Good to have you guys back.

08-3-2014 | Unregistered CommenterCecil Hester

A very happy birthday to you, Phil! :)

08-4-2014 | Unregistered Commentershelly

Time like this, I realize just how much I miss the regular shows:) Happy Birthday, Phil! Also, is there a tentative release date for the first Planet of the Apes show?

08-4-2014 | Unregistered Commentergotcha

"he finds a do it yourself kung fu book in the sewer"...I don't even know which reaction to have at this. It's hilarious, disturbing, utterly stupid and frighteningly ridiculous all at the same time. I'm a librarian; I'm ashamed I didn't know there's a good collection of kung fu books in the sewers.

08-4-2014 | Unregistered Commentershelly

Terrific show and happy belated birthday, Phil!

I think it’s been a pretty great summer, quality-wise. GODZILLA and X-MEN delivered the goods (for me), EDGE OF TOMORROW and HERCULES were pleasant surprises, GUARDIANS was (miraculously) an incredibly charming blast of fun, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 maintained the high standards of the first, and APES is my overall favorite film of the year so far. The box office may be down (and I can’t wait to experience the bloodbath that will surely be the Box Office Results Show…), but I think history will be very kind to many of this summer’s flicks, particularly APES. Yeah, there were some misfires (MALEFICENT and LUCY were interesting failures, while A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST might be the most unfunny, self-indulgent mess I’ve seen in a cinema in years), but let’s not dwell on them!

08-5-2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

Thanks for listening everyone.


I'm really sorry because I just plain forgot to mention in the show like I was supposed to. I'm afraid we've cancelled the 'Planet Of The Apes' retrospective. We started doing it and, truth be told, we were really going to struggle to finish it given our schedules, and I was really going to struggle putting it together because of everything I'm doing right now.

But the honest truth is that we started recording them and they just weren't good enough. We didn't have enough to say that made our contribution significant and unique and worthy and up to the level of quality I demand so I canned it. It is a shame but we'll do year.

08-8-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gee

Heres a question I didnt ask on the final show and should have done, what do you guys do for a living? or is that too personal? Maybe you shouldnt say, to keep the mystery. Anyway great show as always, this really is my favorite podcast and I try to push it as much as I can, I need to see the robert ebert doc

08-14-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPeterZeeke

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