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Movie Moan - Days Of Present Ranting


We had to come back for an X-Men movie, and come back we VIDEO!

So enjoy the Movie Moan podcast for the first time in high definition on Youtube (should that be your preference) and join Phil Gee, Jamie Williams, Spencer Perry, Matt Thompson, and the long awaited return of Mr Gabe Toro as we spend a pleasant 90 minutes for an analysis of the latest X-Men epic.

I wish I could say it was the love-in I was planning but, truth be told, Phil's unbridled enthusiams cannot contend with the force of his companions wanting to pick the film apart its continuity issues.

The big debate then of 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past' is whether we should cut the filmmakers some slack for picking and choosing (and then erasing) a minefield of continuity problems already established by six previous films, or whether a film that is about continuity should be taken to task for being so reckless with it.

The question is...........who will you stand with?

Watch the Youtube video version above, play the podcast in audio only via Soundcloud or download it as an MP3 below:

Reader Comments (8)

Great show, guys! “Gabe Toro’s Soapbox” was a particularly inspired rant on his part, and everyone had terrific observations to make about DAYS OF FUTURE PAST and the various side-issues surrounding it.

In terms of the movie itself, I’d place DOFP right behind FIRST CLASS on my personal ranking of the X-Films, even with all of the continuity errors it creates in its attempt to correct already-existing continuity errors. I agree with you, Phil, that the continuity mess just really doesn’t bother me because I’m willing to overlook it.

As for Singer coming back (or not), I’d be fine with him returning, but I definitely think I’d prefer to see what another director with a strong point of view could do with the material; Singer can preside over it in a Godfather-type position, but some new creative blood could give the film a freshness it might not otherwise have.

05-29-2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

PHIL GEE IS THE MAN!! I was hoping you guys would do a days of future past show. Jamies info on the script was interesting. I'm curious why some of it didn't make it into the film. Im glad Singer is returning for Apocalypse. He's done the best X-Men films so far (except the Wolverine. That movie was phenomenal) and I'd like another film or two from him before another filmmaker gives it a go. Phil made good points about repetition, but it isn't Bond level repetitious yet and I think singer has more he wants to say with these characters.

Gabe Toro is hilarious and continues to make valid observations about these comic book movies. If movie moan is Destiny's Child, he is Beyonce. Where can I read his articles?

I couldn't care less about continuity. A good movie is a good movie. I actually wouldn't mind if each film ignored the last and did it's own thing.

05-30-2014 | Unregistered CommenterCollin

Thanks for the kind words, Collin. I'm a contributor to The Playlist at Indiewire, and I am on the staff at Cinemablend. I also write and operate and have a blog series at BXRecords, this link should work (put your speakers low).


06-1-2014 | Unregistered CommenterGabe Toro

Yes, thank you for taking the time with your comments folks.

I do believe we will be back at the start of August for my birthday show and we'll talk about 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'.

06-1-2014 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

OMG, you're back, yay! And you brought back Gabe, double yay!

Unfortunately...I still haven't had a chance to see X-Men yet so I'm going to have to wait to listen to this one. :( (But you've been sorely missed! At least by me).

06-1-2014 | Unregistered Commentershelly

Hey Phil, you have a Twitter post hinting at a Planet of the Apes Podcast. Are you guys going to do a Retrospective or just review Dawn of the Planet of the Apes? :)

06-7-2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobb

Oh almost forgot to ask you guys, how come your James Bond, Superman, and Harry Potter Retrospective Podcasts taken down? Thanks.

06-7-2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobb


We're currently working on a retrospective. It won't be anything as ambitious as what we did for Superman but it gives us the opportunity to get what we have to say about those films off our chests for good. It won't be as ambitious simply because I don't have enough time to work on them this summer. I've got too much going on.

Supermoan will be back in time for the release of Batman vs Superman and it will be finished.

06-10-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gee

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