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Movie Moan's Summer 2014 Box Office Predictions - The Results

Well.......that went well!

It's time to join Phil Gee, Jamie Williams, Shawn Robbins of, and Ed Douglas of as they sift through the rubble of their box office predictions for Summer 2014's biggest movies and find out who got the least wrong.

I would defy anyone to have predicted how the last four months have played out. This was the summer where up became down, left became right, and August became, no longer a dumping ground for garbage that nobody will see, but rather home to two of the year's biggest hits.

But while the hosts of this show might not have done that well, just maybe you folks at home did. If you posted your own predictions on our site then keep on listening because your scores have been tallied and a Web Winner will be announced at the end of the show.

We'll be back for the Winter game very soon. In the meantime, please leave your sympathy comments for me just below. You didn't think I was gonna win did you?

Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

Reader Comments (10)

Huh. I actually won a point, that's surprising.

Besides from Jump Street, I did pretty shite. Huge kudos to AtotheH, Shelly and DumplingKing for being so spot on.

Always a pleasure listening to you guys again! I tied with DumplinKing?! Cool! Last time I tied for 1st with Shelly! Overall I enjoyed all the movies I saw in the summer except for Godzilla! Jamie it's cool that you liked Purge Anarchy that much. I kinda thought your tweet about it was sarcasm tbh. See you guys for the Winter show!

08-31-2014 | Unregistered CommenterA2theH

As a long time listener, tying for first with A2theH puts me in pretty good company. Thanks for the game, chaps! See you all for the winter predictions :-)

09-1-2014 | Unregistered CommenterDumpling King

And yes Jamie, I do love the attention...

09-1-2014 | Unregistered CommenterDumpling King

Yay, I got a point! Congrats to all 3 winners!:)

09-1-2014 | Unregistered Commentergotcha

Great show as usual, guys! What a weird summer at the box office.

09-1-2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Blake

Congrats to the winners, Shawn and the once again tied web winners! :) Yeah this was a very weird summer and I definitely had my share of awful predictions. I don't think anyone would've guessed Guardians would've topped the summer movies above ones like Captain America and X-Men DOFP but hey.

09-2-2014 | Unregistered Commentershelly

I got a point!! true it was basically because I totally missed the point and predicted way too high and it just so happened turtles was a ridiculously high gross. but horray me

09-4-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPeterZeeke

Aw, hell. I got blanked this year. Onward to Winter!

09-9-2014 | Unregistered CommenterErik R

Hey will there be a winter game?

10-31-2014 | Unregistered CommenterDumpling King

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