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    Intern Recites "Mean Girls" From Memory And Makes "Fetch" Happen

    I think I've seen Mean Girls about eleventeen hundred times. Every time it is on television I have to watch it. I think I know most of the lines and my girlfriend wants to punch me because she's seen it so many times. I repeat, my girlfriend wants to punch me because as an adult male I have seen Mean Girls so many times. Hello.

    Well she is about to feel much better about the whole situation because an intern over at NEXTMOVIE.COM was able to recite the whole film from memory in less than 30 minutes. Not only does Christopher Rosa recite the entire movie, he sort of acts it out as well. 


    Tarsem Singh Directing Sci-Fi Thriller The Panopticon

    If there is one thing guaranteed about Tarsem Singh, his films, at the very least, will look great. The quality of the finish product has certainly been back-and-forth (Gotta be honest, mostly crap) but the man will keep us coming back to see just what he has cooked up in that head of his, and the blood, sweat and tears he puts into it to make it happen.

    The Wrap reports Singh has already settled on his next feature, as he's in pre-production on another (The Ryan Reynolds-headlining Selfless). He'll bring his visual gravitas to The Panopticon, based on a script by Craig Rosenberg. The story concerns a man receiving a mysterious package that includes a pre-recorded message from himself, warning of the apocalypse and how he must stop it.


    Hugh Grant Joins The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - Yes, That's Still Happening; Stop Asking!

    Hugh Grant will stammer between words in his typical charmingly British way in The Man From U.N.C.L.E., for director Guy Ritchie and stars Henry Cavill, taking a breather from the red-and-blue suit, and Armie Hammer. He'll play the the head of British Naval Intelligence.

    I would say this is a terrible idea and complete waste of your currency, Warner Brothers. Retro-themed properties geared at our parents worked so well for Dark Shadows and The Lone Ranger (and this film version of the 60s era television show is actually set in the 60s - Oh brother...) But hey, it isn't my money. Piss it away however you want...

    Source: The Hollywood Reporter


    X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Now Offers Chic Dystopian Necklaces For Mutants

    From the X-Men: Days of Future Past's official Twitter:

    I bet these things explode.

    Trask inhibitor collars have reduced violent incidents at mutant internment camps by 88%.


    Early Poster of FAST & FURIOUS 7

    James Wan, currently making fat stacks of cash with the critically praised and high-grossing horror film, The Conjuring, and about to continue his tale of a haunted family in this September's Insidious Chapter 2, also has another film coming up that kind of stands out among his terrifyingly well made horror films:

    Fast & Furious 7, set to kick off a new trilogy of the high-octane summer event films, Wan tweeted last night:

    Last night's production meeting went for about 6 hours. From 7pm to 1am.

    Then went on to tweet an Instagram photo of himself and franchise star Tyrese Gibson infront of a presumably early poster of the film.

    Tyrese and I peace-ing out at the production office.

    Fast & Furious 7 hits theaters July 11, 2014.


    You Could Be Getting A Third SILENT HILL Film. SILENT HILL 3 3D? 


    Before you nerds get your knickers in a twist about "NOT MUH SILENT HILL" in regards to the 2007 film Silent Hill, and it's belated 2012 sequel, Silent Hill: Revelations 3D, I'll just say people liked these movies, and the first film remains one of the best video-game films next to Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat, Hitmanand Resident Evil and one of it's sequel's, Resident Evil: Extinction.

    Courtesy of "Silent Hill" fanpage, Silent Hill Paradise:

    Don Carmody hints at third Silent Hill film.
    After getting in touch with Don Carmody about a Kickstarter campaign to help fund a third film - he mentioned in his reply that a third film was being discussed.


    What do you think? Would you watch a third Silent Hill film?


    Even Steven Gets Naked In New NYMPHOMANIAC Pic

    From Lars Von Trier comes the second teaser for his upcoming sexual epic, Nymph()maniac, complete with a picture of everyone's favorite "guy we make fun of" to "attempted serious porn actor", Shia LeBouf and Stacy Martin.

    Courtesy of the film's official website,, via Vulture, take a look. 

    Chapter 2:


    "Love is just lust with jealousy added"

    Though love is a shallow feeling in the eyes of the cynical nymphomaniac, young Joe is met by forces penetrating her armoured defences.

    His name is Jerôme.


    "Nymphomaniac" is the wild and poetic story of a woman’s erotic journey from birth to the age of 50 as told by the main character, the self-diagnosed nymphomaniac, Joe. 

    On a cold winter’s evening the old, charming bachelor, Seligman, finds Joe beaten up in an alleyway. He brings her home to his flat where he tends to her wounds while asking her about her life. He listens intently as Joe over the next 8 chapters recounts the lushly branched-out and multi faceted story of her life, rich in associations and interjecting incidents.

    The film stars Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stacy Martin, Shia LeBouf, Christian Slater, Stellan Skarsgard, Jaime Bell, Uma Thurman, and Willem DaFoe. It is expected to premier in the states sometime in 2014, after showing in Denmark, Dec. 25. 


    Mark Strong vs. Bryan Cranston as the next Lex Luthor?

    We all know to take rumors with a grain of salt these days, and I advise anyone reading this to do just that.  However, this doesn’t seem to be just your everyday internet rumor designed to get your favorite entertainment news site some hits.

    It seems as though Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Seinfeld) and Mark Strong are both up for the role of Lex Luthor in the Man of Steel sequel.  Just as an aside, any article I write in the future about the upcoming Superman sequel will refer to the film as the Man of Steel sequel until we are given a definite name from Warner Bros.

    As a Superman fan first and foremost, I am excited by both of these choices.  Now, it would be silly to assume that there aren’t many other actors up for such an iconic role and chances are that Warners may throw us all a major curveball with the final announcement, but these are both very solid actors and it would make me very happy to see either one as the greatest criminal mind of our time.

    Strong was great in Green Lantern and easily the best thing about the film.  The fact that he was the villian in a DC superhero film already (flop or not) gives me pause, but his recent “All I can say is, watch this space...” comment when asked about the Luthor role, adds fuel to the fire.  As Superman Returns showed, you can have an incredible actor play Lex, but it means nothing if the character is not written well. Let's hope actor and script are both top notch this time.

    Cranston would be an inspired choice with the right script, as his work on Breaking Bad has shown.  While the show isn’t for me, there is no denying that he has the chops to go head to head with Henry Cavill and whoever is chosen as the next Batman.  Cranston is older than Strong, but if they are in fact, going with an older actor as Batman, an older Luthor shouldn’t be an issue.  At the end of the day, I’ll always think of Cranston as Dr. Tim Whatley and if a Seinfeld alum ends up as Lex, that’s A-OK with me.

    And I’m sure Jerry wouldn’t mind either.


    Ang Lee to Direct 3D 60s-70s Era Boxing Epic

    It seems that it's all about the challenge for Ang Lee. That's what drives him. You can see it in the work.

    Make a movie about an angry green monster but do it as a deep, intimate story of fathers and sons but keep the "comic-book" elements with lots of panels? Hey, there’s a first time for everything, right? Tell a love-story between two sheep-herders in the 1960s, oh and they both happen to be guys? Why not? Take a long-perceived "unfilmable" children's book where the lead character spends most of the time in a boat in the middle of the ocean with a tiger as his only companion? And while we’re at it, let's shoot it be 3D for kicks. I'm already there, bro.

    So how about a 3D boxing movie?

    That's the plan, reports "TOLDJA." The three-time Oscar-winner (fresh off his most recent awards-victory for the gorgeous Life of Pi) will once again push himself with 3D technology chronicling the boxing world during the 60s and 70s, including Thrilla In Manila, the iconic showdown between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.

    Ideas like this and people like Lee are why we get excited about the cinema.


    Trailer for George Clooney's The Monuments Men

    "Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, The Monuments Men is an action-thriller focusing on an unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners.  It would be an impossible mission: with the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the German army under orders to destroy everything as the Reich fell, how could these guys – seven museum directors, curators, and art historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than the M-1 – possibly hope to succeed?  But as the Monuments Men, as they were called, found themselves in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1000 years of culture, they would risk their lives to protect and defend mankind’s greatest achievements."