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    Marvel Will Keep Making Superhero Shit Till 2021; In Case You Weren't Bored Yet

    Hope you guys aren't tired of Avenger and Iron Man stuff showing back to back all year in your local movie theater.

    In today's article from Wired Magazine, "How Marvel Unified Its Movie Universe (And Why That Won’t Be Easy for DC)" Kevin Feige explained that basically "We have more capeshit planned, we're gonna churn this out for about 10 more years, be excited for Iron Man 7 where Tony builds an addition for the Iron Man suit to help him get to his bed-pan at night, which results in wacky antics!"

    When Favreau’s Iron Man became a hit, the Jackson cameo at the end and a few other Easter eggs became the key to a new kind of franchise, a movie universe that had architecture. “I could arguably say what we’re planning for the year 2021,” Feige told WIRED. “Will that happen? I don’t know. But what we planned for 2015 in 2006 is happening.”

    Feieg went on about expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe to include basically "everyone else who isn't a hashtag or homoerotic adventure time drawing on Tumblr"

    Feige has had good luck with finding directors with visions big enough to make a movie work but not so big that they wouldn’t subsume pieces into a larger puzzle. The universe that Feige oversees is, like the real universe, expanding. The next non-sequel to come from the studio is Guardians of the Galaxy, roughly the opposite of a recognizable comic book or fan favorite.

    “It has a small, rabid fan base,” Feige says, potentially overestimating both its size and its disease status. But that doesn’t matter–Marvel isn’t making Guardians because the fans demanded it. “Five years ago, looking at our plan, we knew that if Avengers was going to work, the movies had to stand alone,” he says. “Now we have to prove to the studio that we’re more than just these five characters, these five franchises.”

    Well, what do you think? Yay, more superhero stuff!

    This coming from the guy who *IS* actually excited for Man of Steel 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2,  and obviously X-Men: Days of Future Past.


    Seth Gordon Exits Horrible Bosses Sequel

    How this isn't going to be a remake masquerading as a sequel is beyond me. Horrible Bosses 2 (Horribler Bosses?) is moving ahead with returning leads Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day. It will however not be under the direction of Seth Gordon as originally plans, says The Hollywood Reporter.

    They say his commitment to The Goldbergs, new comedy premiering on ABC next month, is why. Not that I buy that reason. Warner Brothers still plans to keep their fall-start. So a new director should be picked relatively soon, like yesterday.


    Mark Lone’s "The Secret of Nimh" Poster Revealed

    Wow. This is really taking me back. Making me feel old and nostalgic at the same time, or is that actually the same thing? The Secret Of Nimh both frightened me and fascinated me at the same time when I was a child. To see reimagined print poster at this point in my life makes me want to set up a viewing of the flick again.

    Mark Lone: "Being a fan of 80′s animation, I must admit, I wore out my VHS tape of The Secret of NIMH, my favorite Don Bluth movie. I learned so much during the process of making this piece while studying as much as I could from the movie concept sketches and character designs (some even by Don himself). I realized after starting this print that I have always drawn owls (and I have drawn a few of owls) very dark and ominous, much like “the great owl”… it was at that point I recognized how much this movie had impacted my artistic style subconsciously, even when I was a kid. So thank you to everyone involved with the making of such a great movie."



    The Counselor Trailer is a Thriller About Nothing

    A cast featuring Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz and Javier Bardem from an original screenplay by Cormac McCarthy and directed by Ridley Scott. Needless to say, The Counselor has the right ingredients on paper.

    Just don't expect to learn from anything from the trailer. Seriously, it is about as vague and non-specified as those clips 20th Century Fox sent out yesterday. Fassbender is a lawyer who gets in over his head. It involves drugs, and they start to threaten his fiancé played by Cruz. So what did he do to into this predicament? How does he know these people? Why does Bardem look like Mickey Rourke's retarded-mutant cousin? I would really like to know.


    Sean Young Is Crazy Example # 4234234234; Water Is Wet

    Old news, I grant you. This fits comfortably in the "No shit, Sherlock" index. I'm also not sure if she's pulling our leg (One thing to read something that was said and another to hear from outta the person’s mouth; for all we know, there could have been sarcasm in her voice, I don't know).

    Nonetheless, Entertainment Weekly asked documented Pain-in-the-Ass-Few-Will-Work-With Sean Young on the prospects of her participating in Ridey Scott's Blade Runner follow-up (sequel, prequel, "re-imagining," whatever):

    "Mmm, let's see. Alcon –  they're the ones that own it and apparently they have Ridley to direct it — and when I met with them they didn’t make any offer-plans to include me. And when I called Ridley Scott's office, he doesn't call me back. So I guess they're going to go, like, prequel or...I don't know what they're going to do. But my official opinion is that, if they don’t include me in it, everybody should boycott it. Because it's stupid not to have me in it. It's really stupid. That’s my opinion! I mean, you try to tell people something sensible in Hollywood and sometimes they just don't listen, you know. And they usually pay the price too, because everybody’s an expert."

    Whether she was kidding around or not, don't hold your breath, Sean. No one in their right mind will fork over the $200-$300 million required to make another Blade Runner. No boycott necessary.


    Her Trailer is FANTASTIC

    I'm a bit speechless after watching the trailer for Her, the new film from Spike Jonze about a lonely man falling in love with his new computer program. Joaquin Phoenix stars. One look at him and your heart breaks (Who hasn't been there?) with Scarlett Johansson as the voice of "Samantha."

    Yes, that plot description sounds bizarre. But watch the trailer and tell me you didn't get a lump in your throat, your eyes didn't tear up and you can't wait to see this.


    Meryl Streep Joins The Giver; Set to Be Awesome for the Trillionth Time

    "EXCUSE ME! Meryl Streep could play Batman and be the right choice! She is perfection! Whether she’s divorcing Kramer, whether she’s wearing Prada and don’t get me started on Sophie's Choice!"

    Not entirely sure if Modern Family is lampooning the perception of how Meryl Streep can, in fact, play anything or it's just a gag played out for that episode. One look at her filmography over the decades (The fact her career took off near 40 years ago is an accomplishment all its own; let it alone being a woman in a field with such short-term "hot" status as showbiz) proves their point.

    Yeah. Streep has range; understatement as that is and it's rare to see her not bring it. Though I'll admit some of her choices the last couple of years felt more like her biting for that third Oscar (A stunt the Academy fell for as she won for The Iron Lady, a piece-of-dreck voters probably didn't watch). Nonetheless, we all still pay attention to what she chooses next. If for no other reason, then we can pencil her in for an Oscar nomination the following spring.

    Streep has joined the cast of The Giver, based on the mid 90s science-fiction children's novel by Lois Lowry. Phillip Noyce will direct. Jeff Bridges plays the title character (Hopefully not playing it as Rooster Cogburn for the fourth time) and Brenton Thwaites as the lead.

    Not a film I'm particularly looking forward it to. I read it as a kid when it was first published and even me, big a genre nerd as I was growing up (Hence my go-to handle "Film Nerd Jamie") didn't take to it. But this can't be all bad. I mean... its Meryl Streep, right?


    New Thor: The Dark World Trailer is Epically Serious

    Not much laughs had for this second trailer to Thor: The Dark World, save for one gag at the tail end. Everything is BIG and SERIOUS. It doesn't feel that different from the last trailer as a matter of fact.

    I recall all the publicity material for the first Thor gave off a Masters of the Universe level of camp. It was a pleasant surprise how that wasn't the case. Though Kenneth Branagh, in hindsight, had the advantage of having to work with what he had (Limited funds) and made all the moments in Asgard count.

    "Marvel's Thor: The Dark World continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath of Marvel’s Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers, Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos...but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all."


    Character Posters For The "The Family" Starring Robert De Niro & Michelle Pfeiffer 

    In the off-beat action comedy “The Family,” a mafia boss and his family are relocated to a sleepy town in France under the witness protection program after snitching on the mob. Despite the best efforts of Agent Stansfield (Tommy Lee Jones) to keep them in line, Fred Manzoni (Robert DeNiro), his wife Maggie (Michelle Pfeiffer) and their children Belle (Dianna Agron) and Warren (John D’Leo) can't help but revert to old habits and blow their cover by handling their problems the “family” way, enabling their former mafia cronies to track them down.


    "All Is Lost" Trailer Starring Robert Redford

    Academy Award winner Robert Redford stars in All Is Lost, an open-water thriller about one man's battle for survival against the elements after his sailboat is destroyed at sea. Written and directed by Academy Award nominee J.C. Chandor (Margin Call) with a musical score by Alex Ebert (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros), the film is a gripping, visceral and powerfully moving tribute to ingenuity and resilience. Deep into a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, an unnamed man (Redford) wakes to find his 39-foot yacht taking on water after a collision with a shipping container left floating on the high seas. With his navigation equipment and radio disabled, the man sails unknowingly into the path of a violent storm. Despite his success in patching the breached hull, his mariner's intuition, and a strength that belies his age, the man barely survives the tempest.

    Using only a sextant and nautical maps to chart his progress, he is forced to rely on ocean currents to carry him into a shipping lane in hopes of hailing a passing vessel. But with the sun unrelenting, sharks circling and his meager supplies dwindling, the ever-resourceful sailor soon finds himself staring his mortality in the face.

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