Marvel Will Keep Making Superhero Shit Till 2021; In Case You Weren't Bored Yet

Hope you guys aren't tired of Avenger and Iron Man stuff showing back to back all year in your local movie theater.
In today's article from Wired Magazine, "How Marvel Unified Its Movie Universe (And Why That Won’t Be Easy for DC)" Kevin Feige explained that basically "We have more capeshit planned, we're gonna churn this out for about 10 more years, be excited for Iron Man 7 where Tony builds an addition for the Iron Man suit to help him get to his bed-pan at night, which results in wacky antics!"
When Favreau’s Iron Man became a hit, the Jackson cameo at the end and a few other Easter eggs became the key to a new kind of franchise, a movie universe that had architecture. “I could arguably say what we’re planning for the year 2021,” Feige told WIRED. “Will that happen? I don’t know. But what we planned for 2015 in 2006 is happening.”
Feieg went on about expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe to include basically "everyone else who isn't a hashtag or homoerotic adventure time drawing on Tumblr"
Feige has had good luck with finding directors with visions big enough to make a movie work but not so big that they wouldn’t subsume pieces into a larger puzzle. The universe that Feige oversees is, like the real universe, expanding. The next non-sequel to come from the studio is Guardians of the Galaxy, roughly the opposite of a recognizable comic book or fan favorite.
“It has a small, rabid fan base,” Feige says, potentially overestimating both its size and its disease status. But that doesn’t matter–Marvel isn’t making Guardians because the fans demanded it. “Five years ago, looking at our plan, we knew that if Avengers was going to work, the movies had to stand alone,” he says. “Now we have to prove to the studio that we’re more than just these five characters, these five franchises.”
Well, what do you think? Yay, more superhero stuff!
This coming from the guy who *IS* actually excited for Man of Steel 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and obviously X-Men: Days of Future Past.