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    Captain Phillips Trailer

    The pedigree is there. Paul Greengrass directs. Script authored by Billy Ray. Tom Hanks plays the title role. Not expecting high art or anything paraded about come awards time. It looks too straight forward for snotty Oscar voters.

    But for what it is going for, Captain Phillips looks content as a "Based on A True Story" nail biter, judging by the trailer.

    Source: The Guardian


    The World's End Trailer

    It's the end of the world as we know, and I feel buzzed.

    The trailer for Edgar Wright's The World's End is here and, good news, it looks like a worthy conclusion to the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy.

    Source: MSN UK


    Legendary, Warners Heading for Splitsville

    Even though it may sound like news, the writing was on the wall for Warner Brothers Pictures and Legendary Pictures' 8 year partnership. According to Variety, Legendary has started talks with potential post-2013 suitors like Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures -- should next month's negotiation talks with WB fall through.

    Thomas Tull's insistence that he be more creatively involved irked the studio heads (like release date input, script development and marketing), especially Jeff Robinov. The spat between Legendary and WB over profits made from The Dark Knight Rises (they got 25% as opposed to the 50% from The Dark Knight), as well as pulling out from films like Green Lantern and All You Need Is Kill. Not to mention the petty argument of claiming credit whenever a film hit it big.

    It's not like WB will be hurting for money should Legendary leave the Burbank offices for one of its rivals, since they reupped a deal with Australia-based Village Roadshow Pictures last year after it gained a $1 billion restructure financing. Time will only tell whether WB and Legendary will kiss and make up or make a clean break.


    Man Of Steel Soundtrack 17 Minute Preview 

    The marketing behind Man of Steel has really amped up over the past week or two and that includes what kind of score we can expect to follow the amazing job etched into our brains by John Williams. Hans Zimmer initially declined to take on Superman, but changed his mind when asked again. There was a small taste of what he had to offer that played over the third trailer and various samples have been leaking out since then.

    Today Water Tower Music released a whopping 17 minute preview of Zimmer's score. Get this out of your mind right away; this definitely isn't John Williams nor should it be. Finally a fresh take on film of the Superman mythology and it honestly needs a fresh sound to accompany it as far as I'm concerned. Nothing will ever replace the Main Title March from Superman: The Movie, but that doesn't mean we can't embrace a new theme that still encompasses everything that is great about the character.

    There is only a small sampling of a larger score in the video above though it seems like Zimmer has captured a lot of what is necessary for a great Superman score. Look at the track listing below and when you get to This Is Clark Kent, just imagine how well that fits with Jonathan talking to Clark about what kind of man he'll grow up to be. I say give Hans a chance because it seems like he has created something very special for the audience when viewing this movie.

  • Look To The Stars - 0:00-1:00
  • Oil Rig - 1:01-2:00
  • Sent Here For A Reason - 2:01-3:00
  • DNA - 3:01-4:00
  • Goodbye My Son - 4:01-5:00
  • If You Love These People - 5:01 - 6:00
  • Krypton's Last - 601 - 7:00
  • Terraforming - 7:01-8:00
  • Tornado - 8:01-9:00
  • You Die Or I Do - 9:01-10:00
  • Launch - 10:01-11:00
  • Ignition - 11:01-12:00
  • I Will Find Him - 12:01-13:00
  • This Is Clark Kent - 13:01-14:00
  • I Have So Many Questions - 14:01-15:00
  • Flight - 15:01-16:00
  • What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World? - 16:01-17:02
  • Tuesday

    All of Your AVENGERS Want More Money, or No AVENGERS 2.

    According to Deadline, Marvel doesn't want to give it's super-team some more dosh for their next 50 movies, so who knows maybe Avengers 3, Captain America 7: Fin Fang Foom Returns, and Iron Man 5 might not happen with Chris Evans and Co...the article is a long read; but good. Below are some excerpts, to read more go see what Deadline has to say. 

    Robert Downey Jr is set for another huge payday from a mega-hit Marvelmovie, this time Iron Man 3. I’ve learned he’s already made $35 million from the actioner which grossed $680 million worldwide in its first 12 days. He should exceed his biggest payday to date — that $50M from The Avengerswhich I’ve learned was more like $70M-$80M now that the film is all in. But it’s reallyAvengers 2 where he’ll clean up big-time — if he wants to reprise the role. He’s hinting to some media it may be time to retire Tony Stark. And saying to other outlets that Marvel better show him more money for Avengers 2. ”I don’t know,” he said on The Daily Show. ”I had a long contract with them and now we’re gonna renegotiate.” (“You are Iron Man! You are!” cheered Jon Stewart.) I’ve learned that Marvel and therefore owner Disney are going to run into big trouble on that sequel because the upfront pay, backend compensation, break even points and box office bonuses aren’t pinned down yet for several big stars and castmates. This is major hurdle which Walt Disney Co Chaiman/CEO Bob Iger hasn’t even mentioned to Wall Street or shareholders although he’s already been hyping Avengers 2 for more than a year now.


    ”Marvel has created so much animosity by strong-arming and bullying on sequels already. It’s counterproductive,” one source tells me. Says another, “I’m sick of Kevin Feige telling me again and again how Marvel is ‘reinventing the movie business’. It doesn’t work like this. They’re reinventing business, period.” I’ve learned Marvel already has threatened to sue or recast when contracts and/or options are challenged. That prompted a few cast members to respond, “Go ahead.” I hear Hemsworth especially wasn’t anxious to go back into that arduous diet and training regimen and subsist primarily on egg whites for Thor: Dark World which hits theaters November 8th. I also understand that Scarlett Johanssen told castmates she’s “not going to cut her quote” for Marvel’s Avengers 2. The actress as butt-kicking operative Black Widow in The Avengers and Iron Man 2 is wrapping Captain America: The Winter Soldier and has a whopping 8 options total.

    An excerpt from an interview with Joss Whedon:

    DEADLINE: Marvel is notoriously cheap and some of the Avengers cast will want more money for the sequel. How could that affect Avengers 2?
    WHEDON: I’m not going to comment specifically because I’m not privy to that sort of stuff and I don’t think it’s my place to talk about. In general terms, yes – Marvel can be very cheap, God knows. They can also be sensible and frugal. They have a very small infrastructure and they’re not heaping this money on themselves. I don’t know a producer who’s done more and is paid less than Kevin Feige. I think that it’s an issue but it’s part of a bigger issue, which is there was a time when there was a crisis in the acting community where stars were getting $20 million and character actors were disappearing as a concept. There were no middle class actors. It was suddenly bit players and Jim Carrey, and that was it. Now the studios have gotten to a point where they’re like, “Do we need that star?” With what they’re able to to digitally and the way they create franchises there’s a little bit of a feeling of, maybe we can eliminate the actor – not totally and not totally cynically, but I’ve literally heard people at the agency say, not about Marvel, “This studio is eliminating the middle movie. They’re not making dramas or prestige pics or anything that isn’t either a franchise or a Paranormal-style found footage”. I think that changes the landscape for actors because really good actors are interested in doing a franchise because they need something.


    Here's Megan Fox as April O'Neil + FOOT Soldier in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES

    From Screen Crush, here you go nerds, go cry about your yellow jump-suit or BAWW Michael Bay ruined MUH CHILDHOOD.

    We'll be waiting here in grown-up land.

    Fox looks pretty good, and I'm liking the FOOT Soldiers look.

    I just hope Vanilla Ice gets a cameo..


    The Butler Is the Best Parody Trailer In Years

    On the basis on subject matter, it is nothing past Oscar bait we'll forget about in a year. Throw in the name actors playing U.S. Presidents and The Butler is a Funny or Die video. Only it's not going for laughs or even aware of its own parody, which is a shame. It's been too long since a comedy won big at the Oscars.

    Did Lee Daniels not realize how out of hand this was getting with John Cusack as Richard Nixon?

    Source: Yahoo! Movies


    Ender's Game Trailer

    In the near future, a hostile alien race (called the Formics) have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander, Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley), all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) and the International Military are training only the best young children to find the future Mazer. Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield), a shy, but strategically brilliant boy is pulled out of his school to join the elite.

    Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult war games, distiguising himself and winning respect amongst his peers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the military's next great hope, resulting in his promotion to Command School. Once there, he's trained by Mazer Rackham, himself, to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and save the human race.


    R.I.P.D. Still Exists, Here Is Another Poster

    Bridges and Reynolds headline the 3D supernatural action-adventure R.I.P.D. as two cops dispatched by the otherworldly Rest In Peace Department to protect and serve the living from an increasingly destructive array of souls who refuse to move peacefully to the other side.

    Veteran sheriff Roy Pulsifer (Bridges) has spent his career with the legendary police force known as R.I.P.D. tracking monstrous spirits who are cleverly disguised as ordinary people. His mission? To arrest and bring to justice a special brand of criminals trying to escape final judgment by hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth.

    Once the wise-cracking Roy is assigned former rising-star detective Nick Walker (Reynolds) as his junior officer, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, two of R.I.P.D.'s finest must miraculously restore the cosmic balance...or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.


    "The Hangover Part III" Poster - I Told Myself I Would Never Come Back

    This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off.