Man Of Steel Soundtrack 17 Minute Preview

The marketing behind Man of Steel has really amped up over the past week or two and that includes what kind of score we can expect to follow the amazing job etched into our brains by John Williams. Hans Zimmer initially declined to take on Superman, but changed his mind when asked again. There was a small taste of what he had to offer that played over the third trailer and various samples have been leaking out since then.
Today Water Tower Music released a whopping 17 minute preview of Zimmer's score. Get this out of your mind right away; this definitely isn't John Williams nor should it be. Finally a fresh take on film of the Superman mythology and it honestly needs a fresh sound to accompany it as far as I'm concerned. Nothing will ever replace the Main Title March from Superman: The Movie, but that doesn't mean we can't embrace a new theme that still encompasses everything that is great about the character.
There is only a small sampling of a larger score in the video above though it seems like Zimmer has captured a lot of what is necessary for a great Superman score. Look at the track listing below and when you get to This Is Clark Kent, just imagine how well that fits with Jonathan talking to Clark about what kind of man he'll grow up to be. I say give Hans a chance because it seems like he has created something very special for the audience when viewing this movie.
Look To The Stars - 0:00-1:00
Oil Rig - 1:01-2:00
Sent Here For A Reason - 2:01-3:00
DNA - 3:01-4:00
Goodbye My Son - 4:01-5:00
If You Love These People - 5:01 - 6:00
Krypton's Last - 601 - 7:00
Terraforming - 7:01-8:00
Tornado - 8:01-9:00
You Die Or I Do - 9:01-10:00
Launch - 10:01-11:00
Ignition - 11:01-12:00
I Will Find Him - 12:01-13:00
This Is Clark Kent - 13:01-14:00
I Have So Many Questions - 14:01-15:00
Flight - 15:01-16:00
What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World? - 16:01-17:02
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