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Nike Announces "Back To The Future: Part II": Self Lacing Nike Mags

Unless you live in in a cabin in the woods or have no idea what social media is, you are aware that today has been dubbed "Back To The Future Day". To honor such a significant day in the world of pop culture, a little company called NIKE has announced the release of the coveted kicks.

Almost 30 years ago, Nike was asked to collaborate on a movie that would feature scenes set in the futuristic world of 2015. The brand was challenged to imagine sneakers that would suit the inhabitants of the advanced era. The innovation team, which regularly looks into a crystal ball of athlete insight and technology to project the future of sport, took that task further.

The resulting Nike Mag reinvented the conventional lacing system, integrating it into an inimitable design that became an enduring beacon of popular culture. As Nike, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Mark Parker put it, “We started creating something for fiction and we turned it into fact, inventing a new technology that will benefit all athletes.”


Taylor Kitsch Opens Up About His Career and JOHN CARTER


Taylor Kitsch, who had a rough year in 2012 with the back-to-back missfires of Disney's John Carter and Universal's BATTLESHIP is now doing well for himself, with two critically acclaimed turns for HBO in The Normal Heart and True Detective season 2.
However, while Kitsch has been climbing back up since Peter Berg's Lone Survivor he has nothing bad to say about his past experience, and says he has no regrets in his career.

 “People still want to talk about John Carter [as a flop], but I have no regrets,”Taylor told Parade. “I learned so much from that process. I’m going to have a lot of ups and downs in my career. I think you should, if you’re taking risks, and I’m not one to play it safe.”

The Friday Night Lights star, who recently got kicked out of the 20th Fox playground having Channing Tatum replace him as Gambit, came under fire as "box office poison" in 2012, being marked as one of the reasons the attempted kick-start at an in house Disney franchise failed; while others believe Disney burried the film to make room for Star Wars which it would aquire through a lucrative purchase of LucasFilm later that year.

The Canadian actor then told THR his thoughts on why televison has become such a star-studded medium recently, attracting the star-power that could only be found in the cineplexes just half a decade ago:

He remarked about how more actors are making the jump to prestige TV offerings, including fellow True Detective co-stars Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams. "Film scripts at that level are harder to find these days," Kitsch said. "I want to be able to elevate myself to the material."

In a series like True Detective, the TV format offers 8 hours or more to tell a story. “You get to see a full spectrum,” said Kitsch. “In 90 minutes or 2 hours in a film, you do find yourself not forcing, but pushing certain beats that may not be honest emotionally.”


GHOSTBUSTERS Visit Patients in Boston's Tufts Medical Center

Who Ya Gonna' Call? Clearly if you're a patient in the hospital, you'd much rather be visited by a Ghostbuster than some boring old doctor, and that's just what the all-star cast of Paul Feig's Ghostbusters did when they visited Tuft's Medical Center in Boston, MA this past week. 
Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones  were in town, as filming for the highly talked about reboot has been underway, and made their way through the hospital in full-costume and Proton Packs.


I don't know about you; but I always love when actors do things like this.

The Medical Center took to Facebook to thank the cast:

 Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center patients got a huge surprise today when Ghostbusters stars Melissa McCarthyKristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones came to visit! Thank you for taking the time out of filming today to put a big smile on our patients faces!‪#‎WhoYouGonnaCall‬ ‪#‎Ghostbusters‬

Ghosts will be busted July 2016. 


J.K. Rowling Comes To The Defense Of Serena Williams Via Twitter

It's not enough that J.K. Rowling came from nothing to write seven books in the Harry Potter series which led to many millions of dollars and a string of successful films, she has the ability to take down #Twitter trolls as well.

Rowling is a fan of Serena Williams and was cheering on the super successful tennis star on Twitter leading to this exchange:

30 - Love?


Hello Father Taco Bell Commercial Is Insanely Funny

No offense to Taco Bell but I've only eaten there about twice in my life. If I'm getting Mexican I'm making it at home or hitting up a high end establishment with free range this and organic that. That won't stop me from laughing my ass off at the following new Taco Bell commercial featuring their new Rolled Chicken Tacos. If every one of their commercials was on this level maybe I'd return for a 3rd go at it.

One hand for tacos. One hand for dip. Zero hands for meeting your girlfriend’s father. Introducing Taco Bell’s new Rolled Chicken Tacos. With your choice of dips, it’s two handfuls of deliciousness.


Dunkin Donuts Is Going Back To Cali

I wake up every morning and every morning on the way to the office I stop at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee. A lot of days I'll also get one at lunch or one on the way home from the office as well. I couldn't even fathom not having one within short driving distance, heck the city I grew up in features 15 of them, but California had zero locations up until recently.

According to the BOSTON GLOBE one gentleman waited 31 hours for his French Vanilla ice coffee and munchkins at the 2nd of what is going to be hundreds of new locations.

Video Courtesy Of BUZZFEED


138 Water Really Understands Marketing

I've never tried 138 Water, nor do I know if it even is available in the Boston area, but they sure know how to market their product.

Their strategy involves scantily clad models, mostly in bikini's, drinking their water while be splashed with ocean or lake water. Unless the electrolyte water is made from tears of unicorns that olive skinned models is about all they have going for them because their WEBSITE is horrendous.

You're better off trolling the 138 Water INSTAGRAM for all their photoshoots, the latest one involving Venezuelan model Yasmine Colt you can sample below courtesy of WWTDD.


Ariana Grande Goes Cleavage On "Insta" In Reponse To "The Fappening"

Unless you were locked in a pop culture proof dungeon the past week or so you're probably familiar with the story of a hacker who leaked hundreds of private celeb photos in what has been dubbed The Fappening.

The hit list inluded nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Kirsten Dunst among others. Although the three I mentioned can be confirmed one of the others, Ariana Grande, is up for debate.

The 21 year old pop icon tweeted out the following about the incident and repsonded to the "faux photos" with a much more clothed shot of herself on Instagram.
"To every1 going on about my "nudes" & my "m&g prices" neither are real! My lil a** is a lot cuter than that lmao & tour details r comin soon. But forreal tho whoever thought those were actually me...... love u but I'm praying for u'."
I'm not sure if some of that was even English but I think you get the point. She's either in major denial mode because it can't be proven based on lack of her face being visible or she's being honest. You can look at her below.


Model Fiorella Castillo Shows Of Her Ball Handling Skills

This has been one of the most exciting World Cup in decades. It's good to see American's joining together to route for one team, rather than the usual Red Sox vs Yankees mentality in our major sports.  Despite the country's recent exit from the field of 16, it was a good showing for American Soccer. We're finally in the conversation with the rest of the world on the pitch, but when the rest of the world has model's that are better than most players while wearing high heels, we may need to re-think the entire situation.

Argentina has been proving it's worth on the field while advancing to the Semi-Finals in World Cup play but all eyes are on Buenos Aires model Fiorella Castillo and her superb footwork.

"I’ve been playing since I was young. I do it more than anything because it’s fun. I see a soccer ball and I turn into a little kid, I love it very much."

"I wanted a way to compete against the guys, I decided to start doing tricks in high heels. As far as I know, I'm the first girl to do this."

There has been some really awe inspiring eye candy in the stands, predominantly the women of Brazil, but can any of them handle balls like Fiorella Castillo?

Soccer you pervs.

Check the video out below as Yahoo's Ryan Bailey gets his ass handed to him and takes it like a man.



Burger King Hearts Fat Americans

When I think of Summer I think of tan & toned women in bikinis, cool & breezy nights, and neverending BBQs. Burger King thinks of new ways to make stupid Americans even fatter so why not the new Extra Long BBQ Cheeseburger?

Nothing screams Summer like two "beef" patties on a giant toasted hoagie with questionable American cheese, greasy onion rings, and a tub of BBQ sauce. You get all this for $3.59 but if the 590 calories isn't enough for you you can get 2 of these artery cloggers for $5.

Colorado residents who just finished their edibles are rejoicing.