This Week on DVD: Surrogates

This will be the first of a weekly article I'll be writing in which I review one new DVD release and either recommend it or rip on it. Remember, my opinion is just that, so don't allow my rants to dissuade you from any home entertainment. But, if you share the same views as I do on other articles I've written, obviously you're not an idiot, so you might want to listen up. I might save you four bucks that would have otherwise be wasted.
Surrogates I didn't follow this one very closely when it was released in theaters. I do remember the TV spots being a little vague and ambiguous, but it stars Bruce Willis, one of my favorites, so I decided on it for this week's topic.
The basic synopsis of the film, without being spoiler heavy, is that, in an alternate present day, the best intentions of creating robotic driven bodies, similar to a Terminator, to replace the broken bodies of handicapped humans goes awry and presents the opportunity for any average Joe Schmo to purchase a machine version of him or herself, made to that person's exact specifications. Pray that, in a time when celebrity worship is at its worst, this never becomes a reality. I already see enough skin and bone versions of females walking around between purges.
The machines work by way of a neural connection with the operator, who literally never has to leave their seat. The appeal is that, by cutting yourself off from the world, you eliminate, to a certain degree, the risk of disease or injury. You can also be anyone or anything you want. But don't we already have enough of that? I can sit in my chair in the sanctity of my own home and write whatever I want, whether its how I feel or not (which it always is) and you would never know the difference. The story touches on the importance of human interaction. You know, that face to face thing, where you can actually see a person laugh out loud instead of reading "LOL".
Recommend Its definitely a sci-fi movie, which may be an initial turn off to the ladies, but guys, if you can get your sweetie to sit down and watch it with you, it might sway her into the mood for a little human interaction. And it may make you decide to limit your time on Facebook...for a couple of hours at least.
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