After Latino Review posted some interesting new slast night regarding a few villians set to appear in Zack Snyder's upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice the folks over at WB dropped our first look at Henry Cavill as Superman and a USA Today interview with Snyder himself as filming is underway in Michigan.
Speaking of Cavill, Snyder told USA Today:
Really digging in and evolving the character — both as Clark and as Superman — is a challenge, Snyder says, but there's also "the fun of trying to figure out what to put in front of him that's difficult."
Cavill is definitely more comfortable in the role the second time around, says the director.
"We've both created this guy and we can push him around a little bit," he says. "The more time I spend with Henry, the more he's Superman to me."
Always good news, It's pretty easy to imagine stepping into the shoes of the most iconic superhero on the planet could take some getting used to. Cavill becomes more comfortable as Superman just as Clark does nearing the end of Man of Steel.
Also appeasing the complaint that "no one needs another ___ reboot" that fans adress for characters like Spider-Man, Superman, and Batman because their origin is so engrained in the public mind:
It ultimately made sense with Dawn of Justice to add Bruce Wayne and his cowled alter ego to the mix. Because of Christopher Nolan's recent Dark Knight trilogy, "I was in no rush to put Batman in the movie," Snyder says, "but on the other hand it seemed organic the way our story was unfolding to start to feather him in."
Instead of using several movies to define Affleck's Batman, Snyder felt the character's 75-year mythology is so deep in culture now that they can just jump to an older, road-weary take on the Dark Knight. Plus, he says, "it's cooler to see a crusty old Batman beating the snot out of guys."
Snyder subtly addressed almost all fanboy criticism already coming at him for his new super-hero feature, even going so far as to call out the "batte" between BvS and Captain America 3, as well as the headline stealing fight between Avengers: Age of Ultron new and his own film.
"You can talk all you want about other superhero movies, but it's Batman and Superman, let's just be honest," Snyder says. "I don't know how you get bigger than that."
The full article can be found here.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters May 6, 2016.