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    Mad Mel Will Kick Ass Again - Joining The Expendables 3

    For all the bullshit Hollywood lets slide as long as they continue to turn on cash registers and weaselly quipping, "Don't judge the artist! Let his art speak for itself!" they certainly aren't ready to practice what they preach on Mel Gibson. Put aside his crazy shenanigans (The man has serious issues that nobody in their right mind is excusing) and get off your Goddamn soapbox, will ya?

    Gibson deserves his moment to shine again. Who wouldn't pay to see him direct again? South Park nailed it when they said despite his troubles (Putting it lightly) the man knows how to tell a story. Thankfully Sylvester Stallone agrees with Trey and Matt. As per Entertainment Weekly, Mad Mel has been enlisted to join The Expendables 3 as the villain alongside additional franchise virgin/cinematic-badass-from-yesteryear Antonio Banderas.

    The optimistic in me hopes this ignites Hollywood to give Gibson his second chance. I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid. Never gonna happen, folks.

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