Vin Diesel Talks About Being A Tree & Hints At More In The Marvel Universe

Vin Diesel has been making a habit of teasing the Marvel fanbase with the possibility that he would playing a character in the currently filming Guardians Of The Galaxy. After using social media as his version of being a "dick tease" the actor hinted that he was hoping to play the character of Groot. Today Diesel spoke with ShockTillYouDrop about his role as the talking tree.
"It'll be voiceover, MoCap and all of that stuff. It's going to be super cool."
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Diesel talks about another possible Marvel character that he discussed with the studio, but kept it shrouded in mystery.
"What we were intially talking about was a fresh IP and that was the focus of our conversation. A fresh IP that would come out in 2016 or 2017 to potentially launch a third phase. When we went to Comic-Con, we realized that we wanted something more immediate."
Like any actor Vin Diesel has had his share of misses (Find Me Guilty) but the guy kills it as Dominic Toretto in the Fast & Furious franchise. I would rather see him as the lead in a Marvel solo flick and maybe that is still a possibility based on his comments.
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