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    Pixar Reportedly Removes Director From The Good Dinosaur

    John Lasseter has admitted for every Pixar production, at some point during its development, there is a time when the whole project is a disaster. One can imagine how unruly things got. Everything goes into panic mode with the staff thinking their careers are over. Then heads cool, sleeves get rolled up and they do whatever needs to be done to turn it around. And for the most part, they have.

    That is all fine and dandy as long as their troubles don't go public before said project is released. They have in the past. As the cases of Newt getting cancelled or the drastic turn-arounds put on Ratatouille and Brave have shown us.

    Blue Sky Disney, unfortunately, has another example of production woes. The blog reports Lasseter has shown director Bob Peterson the door from The Good Dinosaur. No reason for the firing was given nor has a new director been filled in his slot. If they plan to make their May 30, 2014 release (They do), someone will have to be hired yesterday.

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