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    Batman, You Were the Bomb in Phantoms, Yo!

    Well, you can add three Academy Award winners to wear the cape-and-cowl and the first guy to play a superhero for a rival studio and comic-book company (If you don't count Ryan Reynolds, which I don't - Deadpool wasn't a superhero). And yeah technically he played Superman too.

    In an absolute stunner, Warner Brothers has announced Ben Affleck will play Bruce Wayne and his night-prone alter ego (or the other way around, depending on how you see it) for the untitled Superman/Batman team-up film directed by Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill returning as the Last Son of Krypton. They're still calling it the Man of Steel sequel. Though we're hearing from studio peeps that is not the case here. This is viewed more as a side project (The Avengers to Iron Man, if you will) with a true sequel to this year's Superman do-over to come after this.

    But back to the Batman at hand. To call this a surprise is putting it lightly. Hell I'm not sure there are any words to express this move. Affleck has had one of the true career comebacks in recent years. His Oscar victory for the historical-drama Argo (my favorite film of last year) was the accumulation of that. He's been WB's boy for awhile, yes (He was offered both Justice League: Mortal and Man of Steel) but I always thought he tired of those blockbuster Armageddon/Sum of All Fears days. But I'll admit it's a good surprise.

    Source: The Wrap

    Reader Comments (1)

    Pretty sure Reynolds has been in both Marvel and DC films.

    08-22-2013 | Unregistered Commenterjim

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