Universal Suffers Brain Damage - Thinks You Want Another Bourne-Absent Bourne Movie

Audiences weren't as stupid as Universal was hoping last summer. The Diet Jason Bourne entry The Bourne Legacy didn't perform. You can't call it a Jason Bourne movie if Matt Damon isn't in it or at least recast the role and the general movie-going public, to their credit, called them out. Nobody cared about the Flowers for Algernon-inspired Aaron Cross, played by latest studio-pimped "Next Big Thing" Jeremy Renner who, to be fair, is a very good actor. He's just not an action star.
Whether it is arrogance or stupidity at play (Struggling to pick between the two), the studio is moving forward on a fifth installment. Once again with Renner. One again using the Bourne brand-name with the amnesia-stricken ass-kicker nowhere in sight.
Anthony Peckham (Invictus) has first crack at the script. Then a bunch of others will write over them, Son of Bourne 2 gets made and then audiences will once again reject it leaving a dumbfounded Universal to wonder, "What happened?"
Yes, kids, that studio is run by morons.
Reader Comments (1)
This is the scenario Man of Steel detractors are pushing to each other. They think Man of Steel was a Bourne Legacy. No hype, no word of mouth and a sequel that needed massive help.