Ninja Turtles Pushed Back to August 2014 - Those Not Born in the 80s Shrug Shoulders

The latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles do-over from Michael Bay (and by "Michael Bay," I mean director Jonathan Liebesman) is taking a slight detour.
It will still open next summer, but Paramount moved it off the hot n heavy June 6th slot (They too saw how the overcrowded market chipped away at what would have been higher grosses for mega-hits Man of Steel, Monsters University and World War Z this summer) into August 8th. A time when the folks are more willing to try something different for their genre action fix (like The Expendables or District 9), comedies (like The 40 Year-Old Virgin and Superbad) and horror films as the summer nears its end, and we see nothing but Back to School Sales commercials on TV.
Marvel's trying to same strategy for Guardians of the Galaxy. And since that opens a week prior, it looks like we got ourselves a showdown between two pricey, niche properties. I know I'll get shit for calling Ninja Turtles niche but that hasn't had pop culture relevance since the early 90s.
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