Of Course Paramount is Contemplating a World War Z Sequel

No revisionist history is coming. World War Z made big bank this weekend. I did not see it coming; props to those who did. At the same time I am not going to back down. The overall marketing campaign was awful. Paramount was hiding the zombies from its own zombie movie and focused on star Brad Pitt and sold it more as a global disaster. That and Pitt went everywhere on Earth in order to sell it hard for the last couple of weeks.
Word of mouth is another matter altogether. But in lieu of the year's worth of bad press, they did the impossible and got their big opening. That is all that matters to the studio. Since they are fat and happy in their well-deserved accomplishment, a sequel is on their minds, says The Hollywood Reporter.
Pitt has never been one for sequels, save the Ocean's 11 movies, and not sure where they would take it since it ended (Queue douchebag SPOILER ALERT warning) with the epidemic under control thanks to a vaccine. I say that with a straight face. This is showbiz. If they want a sequel, they will figure out a way to either make the zombies not fall for the afore-mentioned vaccine or find some other monsters.
World War V; vampires are still the thing, right?
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